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Image Comments posted by thomasvoss

  1. I like your framing and you are close, which is good. The background is OK blurred, which directs focus to the girl. The background is too distracting though - especially the white "rod" coming out of the girls head. Great twinkle in her eyes (fill-in flash?).

    Welcome Solitude

    I think you've accomplished what you've sought. The pic really communicates lonelyness compositionally as well as colorwise. It's the sort of quality pic you would find in picture stocks under "lonely".

    Small Boats

    The angle of the shot makes the boats come out as toys. The disparate positioning of the boats really makes the picture. Some stronger colors would improve the pic even more I believe.
  2. Brilliantly spotted and very nice positioning of elements here. I like the way you cut the frame from the left and also the (drain?) positioned in low and to the right in the pic. Nice one!


    Love the shot. Maybe the imperfection IS the subject? Nice use of few, but suttle colors, sharp exposure and simple but effective composition.
  3. What can I say. Clear subject, nice use of red in a blue-dominated frame. Picture's sharp and with good shadows. Only one suggestion: you might have had a calmer picture by moving the boat in the foreground a bit more to the left (though I don't now what the beach would have revealed...). Otherwise - could be part of any classy holiday prospect!
  4. I like the colors, but I believe you need more interesting silhuettes than these. I think I have discovered 2 towers (church) approx. in the middle of the picture. Either try to isolate these with you zoom or move closer. What do you think?




    I think I get your idea about the composition, but I think you need (if possible) to move a bit more to the left. That would have left out the white light top left in the picture. Try to hold you hand over it and you'll see what I mean by it. Other than that..nice composition and mono-colors, fine.
  5. Oleg,


    Nice composition you've got there. B&W makes one focus on the lines. Thinking maybe you could have done one or two things alternately. Either using some more wide angle include some more of the bottom stairs to gain stronger leading lines or maybe try cropping it out and include more of the ceiling..

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