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Posts posted by robie_anson

  1. <p>I'm shooting Fuji instant film and am worried about what will happen to the prints when I peel them away if I just throw them in a bag or something. Anybody have a good strategy for preserving the prints when you're not in a place where you can set them down and let them dry? Can you leave them intact for a few hours without having strange things happen to the image?<br>


  2. <p>Thanks guys. Novice is a fair assessment, at least in terms of large format and external metering, so no offense taken.<br>

    I had read on other threads that folks use specific meters for specific cameras, so I thought that I would specify what I plan to use mine for.<br>

    Can someone clarify how a spot meter differs from an ambient meter, and in what situation one would use one piece of equipment over another?<br>

    Thanks so much, you guys are so helpful.</p>

  3. <p>Thanks Derek. I'm trying to save enough in the next few months to afford the expense. <br>

    For people who have CGs or know about them: is there an era that is known to be better than others? Are there major quality differences in the lenses that are typically seen on them? Are there accessories that I should be keeping an eye out for that would be important and otherwise difficult to get?<br>

    Thanks again! </p>

  4. <p>Anyone purchased one recently? I've been considering it, but the prices seem to vary quite widely on eBay and I'm wondering what is reasonable. I'd prefer one that doesn't require much (any) real maintenance to get it up to snuff as this will be my first foray into large format photography.<br>

    Thanks! And any additional thoughts/tips are welcome!<br>


  5. <p>Anyone know if you can buy a cable that would enable you to trigger the shutter without having to hold the button down (i.e. a shutter release cable like this: <a href="http://www.digitalfotoclub.com/sc/from-froogle.asp?id=964753855&rf=froogle&dfdate=3_3_2009">http://www.digitalfotoclub.com/sc/from-froogle.asp?id=964753855&rf=froogle&dfdate=3_3_2009</a>)? There's no thread on my shutter release button and I wondered whether Polaroid (or another company) made something that would work. I'm primarily interested in this so that I can take photos at night without wobbling and bluriness...<br>


  6. <p>Right, thanks guys... it's definitely the top of the bellows... I finished a pack of film and opened up the back and poked around for a bit and I've identified the culprit. I just need to figure out how to prop the bellows up and prevent it from getting in between the lens and the negative.<br>

    I think Ronald's idea of putting something in between the rails and the bellows is a good one, I'm just nervous about creating leaks, as I said. Anybody have experience doing this without creating further problems? Right now, I'm trying to be very careful to ensure that I pay close attn to the creases in the bellows when I put the camera away.<br>

    Thanks again!</p>

  7. <p>I've been using a Land Camera 210 for a few months and have begun to notice a black smear/line/shape along the edge of the frame. It's getting progressively worse, which worries me. It always happens along the same (bottom) edge. I believe that the folds in the bellows must be encroaching on the image area and blocking the light that would otherwise produce the image on this part of the negative/print. It's worse when I focus further away, which supports my theory about the bellows, since they become compressed at greater focal distances. <br>

    Anyone have similar experiences? Have any ingenious ways of counteracting the problem? I'm tempted to try to find a way to pull the bellows down but I don't want to risk breaking the seal with the camera and creating light leaks.<br>


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