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Image Comments posted by acute


    Goes to show that very often "less is more". It's all about focusing the viewer's attention on detail and giving the imagination a chance to fill in the blanks. 7/7



    A wonderful capture!

    It looks like arms ready to embrace. I don't know what's in the background: a cloudy sky perhaps, but it contrasts perfectly with the rest of the image. The contrast in the plumage is just right with the head and shoulders and the left eye catching most of the light, the tail somewhat transparent and the left wing shaded. This is worthy of a photography textbook.



    First, I think some people need to chill out! Not everyone who handles some straw on a farm is "unfortunate". And anyway, human happiness is not measured by outward appearances such as dollars, cell-phones, creature comforts, etc. And finally, us westerners should stop feeling guilty and responsible for every problem everywhere in the world. We have our own problems and we are not immune from human suffering. So, let's chill!


    I think the photo is nice, but I wish there was a better use of light: but that's just me: others are raving about the light. Go figure!

    Nuclear trees


    I ask myself: apart from any preconceived ideas, apart from what I am told or what I presume about this picture, what do I see? Three chimney looking structures, not very well lit or defined, and a small tree. And the sky behind it all is dull. Judging this as an image on its own merit, not trying to interpret anything, I find it to be of little aesthetic value. I see much nicer images in the author's portfolio.

    Boomerang Clouds

    I don't like the water being blury to the point that it doesn't look like water any more! There is a thread under casual photo discussion on this topic titled "Water blur exaggerated?" with some nice photographs showing a better technique.

    SUMMER. day

    Very impressive shot. I've tried to photograph grass and I know how difficult it is to capture in a photo what you see in real life. Well done!
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