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Image Comments posted by jacobbuller

  1. I want to enter this in the Alaska Magazine photo contest, this is the

    original unedited version. Do you find that the stuff on his nose is

    too distracting to win, or is it ok because it is awesome? Give me

    your take on this subject, I need some professional opinion. Thanks.



    I edited out some lights in the picture, how does it look now? What

    would you change? anything? I know there is noise, and it was

    necessary to get the picture, so know that. Thanks!



    Please tell me in your critique what I could fix, how I could fix it,

    how the composition is, what also might look good, keep it

    constructive. Thanks.

  2. How is the composition on this? I followed what someone said, and I

    think it does look better, anything else you would change on this to

    enhance the purple stems and red berries?



    I like how the purple is in the stem, and in the branches, and i

    wanted to crop the picture so it would look best and the berries would

    be in the right spot, this is already cropped, if i could make it look

    better how would you suggest? the right side of the uncropped picture

    is pretty much blurred background. THanks!

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