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Posts posted by anuarpatjane

  1. <p>I cant believe this discussion. If I understand correctly, some of you believe that beautiful and significant pieces of history can be destroyed because they where part of an evil machinery? So with this kind of mentality we should rush and destroy all the paintings of Michelangelo because they belong to an epoc where catholic church used to torture and kill people for thinking diferent? Or should I travel to Vienna and get my hands on Moctezuma`s headdress and burn it because it belonged to a emperor that loved to sacrifice his own people and prisioners? If we use our romantic and weak morality to create judgment, we become easy prays in the hands of our very noble politicians and capitalists entrepreneurs. Remember, history is written by the winners, and that doesnt make them the super heroes of freedom and peace. Evil machinery, as bad as the nazi exist today, and is killing people in Afganistan, Iraq and selling weapons to "third world" countries in conflinct. Todays evil machinery is even worst that the nazi era, now people sees it as a normal way of life, and thats the real tragedy. </p>
  2. <p>"Is this the kind of quality to be associated with Nikon, I have not really read too much about the quality of their products?"<br>

    <br /> Definitely NO<br>

    My F2 from the 70s, my F3 from the 80s, my nikon D200 and my recent D700, never failed me. They all still work. Even my cheap nikon F401x still works perfectly. We can debate about lenses qualities for hours between nikon, canon and leica, but when it comes to camera bodies, no one makes better SLR cameras than nikon. Your camera is an uncommon exception, and Im sure that nikon will fix it or replace it, and after you get your new or repaired camera, you wont have to worry about a defective nikon camera body during the rest of your life. If we talk about nikon point and shoot digital cameras, thats a different story, but this is not the case.</p>

  3. <p>Art is in the eye of the beholder, and its value changes according to the times were it emerges. So for me, art does not exist outside our mind, there is not a single material in this world that we could posibly considere a work of art. I believe that art is a state of mind, It is a hipersensitive way of perceiveing things that converts a human mind into a work of art. When you find yourself totaly absorved by an object, a moment or anything at all, and you become amazed by its mere capricious existence, you probably have found the piece of art that you were looking for. </p>
  4. <p>Sounds unfair to me to say that Nikon is cathing up with Canon when there are more than enough arguments to say the oposite. To say that canon makes better cameras because they have a bigger production capacity is the same as to say that Chrysler makes better cars than Ferrari because they have more factories and they have a production 200 times as big. If we are up to create fair comparative arguments out of two products from diferent companies, we need to choose equivalent products. Canon 40d came out on August 2007, Nikon D200 came out on november 2005, a year and a half apart and in this days, a year is a lifetime for electronic equipment. Regards! </p>
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