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Posts posted by crappystuffs

  1. You might want to check that you use the same metering mode on your 6D and G11 to see why the same approach behave differently.

    If I remember correctly, E-TTL flash always try to give you the correct exposure, by setting it 3 stops above its reading you practically tell your flash to overexposed your subject. I tend not to compensate my flash if I want it to provide fill light in a backlit situation.

  2. <p>Congratulation guys, seem like you're all are on a roll there. Lot of good pictures here in the thread. :)<br />I thought of getting closer, but went against it. Maybe from wanting to show the milieu(?) or maybe was just too affraid to engage those guys at work.</p><div>00bHzy-516551684.jpg.7d17563c0e05288f144892c6b8a186a2.jpg</div>
  3. <blockquote>

    <p>Dr. Uziel agreed. “The eclectic selection of topics, the different styles of photography and the different papers may suggest an album fetched together by someone else,” he said.<br>

    At the very least, Professor Wolff said, there are two albums contained between the covers: one showing the Eastern Front and the other showing Munich and Bavaria. “Maybe the key,” he said, “is to fit them together.” We welcome your assistance in trying to do so.</p>


    <p>There's still room for doubt. Unless I read it wrongly.</p>

  4. <p>Using a single focal length and adjust my position accordingly always feel faster to me than to adjust the focal length in my zoom to frame the scene correctly. It's probably a personal perception over reality. Since the former involved a flowing affirmative motion, an almost spontaneous see and grab action, while the latter feels like a search and pick action. Just my two cents.</p>
  5. <p>I think Winogrand use 28 mm for most of his photos.<br>

    Like Damon D'Amato said it's a focal length that required you to work real close to your subject and really shine at crowded environment. I use it almost exclusively, but that is because it support my "vision" and not the other way around.</p>

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