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Posts posted by nicholas_baker

  1. <p>"I too need a new body but I asked myself 1Ds 3 or 5D 2, I wouldn't have the 1Ds because its images are not as good above 800ISO compared to the 5D2 and thats important to me, I wouldn't have the 5D2 because the auto focus is too slow."</p>

    <p>I am in the exact same position.... I am currently using a Rebel Xti for my work and it is no longer cutting it (though I am surprised how well it has worked for me). I used the money I would have spent on a nice body and bought tons of glass/equipment. </p>

    <p>I unfortunately do not share the optimism about a 1ds upgrade in February with the economic situation. I may get a 5d2 to use until a new 1ds comes out, then sell my xti and keep the 5d2 as backup.</p>

  2. <p>I am planning to purchase a 3 WL X1600 strobes abd 1 WL x3200 Strobe. </p>

    <p>My first question is to anyone who has used the WL x3200: Can these be dropped low enough (at 1/4th base power) for use with portraits, rim lighting ect? I would like a better feel for how much power one of these puts out compared to the x1600.</p>

    <p>My second question pertains the advice about buying a set: I am buying 3 1600's and 1 3200 becuase I want the flexibility of the 1600's for low/medium power applications, and the 3200 for when I need an extra strong burst for interiors (These lights will be used for architecture and portraits. Is buy a mixed set smart? (if not why not) Or woould buying 4 1600s make things alot simplier. Part of this question depends on the answer for the first question I guess. I would consider getting 4 3200s if they can be powered down enough...</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance!</p>

  3. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I am about to purchase 3 White Lighting x1600s and one WL x3200. I will be using them for both portraits and interior architecture. I plan to get an assortment of softboxes (Large/Giant) for use with the interiors and portraits, as well as an assortment of umbrellas, a brolly box, and possibly a beauty dish. I will also be buying cybersync+ radio triggers, a vagabond battery system, cases, ect.</p>

    <p><em>My questions relate to what brands people recommend for stands/modifiers. </em></p>

    <p><strong>1. Light stands</strong> : I plan on getting the (AB/WL) 13' heavy duty air-cushioned stands. Has anyone used these? If so what do you think of them. Anyone have any recommendations for another brand?</p>

    <p><strong>2. Folding Softboxes</strong> : As I will be getting 30% off all accessories (20% off accessories for buying 4 heads + 10% off total order for being a student) I plan to go with the (AB/WL) Folding softboxes. Does anyone have experience with these? I would love to hear what you think of them. I would also love to hear recommendations for different brands. (higher prices are fine, but I would appreciate a justification for spending the extra dough.</p>

    <p><strong>3. Umbrellas</strong> : Again I will buy the (AB/WL) umbrellas unless anyone has a good reason not to or has a compelling recommendation for another brand.</p>

    <p><strong>4. Anything else</strong> : I have a (somewhat) flexible budget so if you have any suggestions for somthing you would recommend against or for I would love to hear it.</p>


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