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alfredo orihuela

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Image Comments posted by alfredo orihuela

  1. Mate! this is very good I like this!!!!!! mate the code is so feminine on this.

    the light is perfect! texture and shadow are both very very nicely balanced.

    aperture impeccable. "Alive", nice, like grain on film! all of that in all your Photos but!

    this subject is GENIUS! I don't care if is a hat trick. I can see that you like to experiment so you deserve this shot one way or another. This is no wanna be. No try hard to make art, to make it different. This is art of the good taste, and listen all of this, not because I call it, nor makes me or you a better photographer to know it or to say it. This is what it is, because it is.

    I have never seen a nude like this before. Hope likely to see more of this sort in the future

  2. Like it very much. The least you tweak a photo the better for me. You captured the moment here, I would otherwise never see. Thats what this is about. Oh and one more thing... you have a great collection here but technology is too basic for your knowledge as it shows, so its time to upgrade my friend. And do it big! Good luck.

    Frosty Clover


    This and the Africans are my favorites of your collection.(The leaves and cactus are the very best. They belong in another file of their own) Now... in my opinion judging by the consistency of your processing techniques, I want to see you experimenting more with B&W. This in itself, is actually both a compliment and a strong critique. I trust(hope) that by following this advise you will see I'm trying to tell you. Best of luck. I'm adding you to my list to come visit again sometime.


    Castle 7


    You need to work in your perspective my friend, it will help the lens' aberration as well to do so.

    Also there is a lot of vignetting, specially on the white areas. Try a B&W version if you have too much trouble with that. The colors of this place seem a bit bland so it'll work.

    Correct this two and if your gonna do it again, add depth of field. Good luck.

    City escapes.


    Thank you for your time.

    I'm more interested in reading about the negative/week aspects of this frame.

    This is one of the easiest(if not so) types of photography, still you are submitted to the

    combination of all elements. Authorities, members of the public and weather are all among

    these. Giving those is a walk in the park.

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