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Image Comments posted by t37traveler



    This is simply stunning... delicate, understated and fascinating.... inspirational!  It goes to the heart of my soul and reverberates.One of the finest photos I have ever seen, and the kind of work I would like to do... Thank you for sharing this



    HANS - Tank you for stopping by and commenting. No, I did not use HDR to process  this. I did not even use layers - didn't have to. The light was a gift and I was lucky to be there to catch it.



    Pierre and Alf - Thanks for stopping by and for your comments.  This was just "one of those moments" when the light hit the slightly murky water and reflected the color of the leaves  above.

  1. Creative, unique, beautiful, engaging and fascinating. It's hard to take your eyes off of this one... a sign of a really good photo. I'm guessing puppet warp or perspective correction taken to new heights and layered onto the original...?? Whatever you did, you did it to perfection!


    Oriental Lineage?


    This looks like a pen and ink drawing! It is simply ...wonderful... gorgeous... so simple and delicate yet so strong. I'd hang this on my wall in a heartbeat also!   Well seen and well done!




    Tony - This is stunning and classic in it's simplicity. If it were mine, the only thing I would do differently would be to crop the left side a little so that the flower sits closers to a compsitional power point.

  2. Tony, I considered cloning out the bits of grass...and I just didn't take the time at the moment.  For entry into an exhibit or competition, I would definitely do the coning. It's funny that your suggested version of this photo is very similar to one version in which I did amp up the vibrance/saturation a lot, but I was hesitant to make the colors quite  vibrant since it is rust, and I was holding onto the "reality factor," perhaps a bit too much.   : ) Gotta get over that, and worrying about "over-cooking" a little more. I like what you did; my preference would depend on how the printed version turned out. Thanks so much for comments!

    I noticed when I looked at the thumbnail that this photo assumed a 3D effect that is not evident when looking at the larger version on screen.  I think I'll explore that a little more...it quite surprised me, because the surface was perfectly parallel to my lens!




    Thanks, Tony. I was worried that the water would be a little too "glowy" or luminous when I converted it to JPG for  PN.  I t really was that iridescent shade of light green reflecting off the tree leaves in the late afternoon.



    Taken in the Building for the Criminally Insane at TALA (Trans-Allegheny

    Lunatic Asylum aka Weston State Hospital), the clown doll was a prop

    brought by another photographer in our group I've had a lot of strong

    reactions to this photo, mostly from men, who are "creeped out" by it.

    Comments? Does it affect you? If so, how? I'm curious.... and I'm not

    sure where to place it... not portraits, lol., so I'm going for abstract since it

    doesn't seem to fit neatly fit into any of the PN categories

  3. for the comments Larry and Tony. I am lucky to live an easy one and a half hour drive from a major bird park called Sylvan Heights where they also have a major breeding program. Every visit is different. 

  4. I can feel the deliberating...hmm,  anything worth stopping for or not? ...a  real sense of hesitation, of being "in the moment."  

    If it were my photo, I think I would have played with cropping the dark door on the left out of the photo.. it is a strong element that draws my eye away from the central action. Even when I"m focused on the man, that dark band is clamoring for attention. 

  5. Great ideas, Tony. Thank you. This was taken from aboard my sailboat, which can make  can make bracketed exposures for HDR a challenge... although I think it was calm enough to have pulled it off for this scene. Wasn't even thinking of it for this photo. My new Nikon VR II 70-200 should make it a little easier, too. I plan to be back at this location this summer and will try my tripod on the foredeck.... if it's glassy calm.  : )

    Desert Sunset Call


    That bird seems to be both perplexed and perturbed at the same time! Love the colors and the insertion of bit of noisy technology into the tranquility of the dessert sunrise - or sunset. This photo made me smile and think at the same time. Well done.... as always!

  6. Tony - 


    Thanks for your comments! To answer your questions there were no light sources other than natural light from the windows. The bluish tone on the bricks was some kind of stain or paint from long ago.  The blue in the reflection was from the sky;  the sun was out for part of the day. It was the unusually blue reflection in the water combined with the colors, textures and modular feel of the scene that caught my eye. This place was a "house of horrors" - the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, WV.

  7. WOOOOW. You made me stop and look and look and look!  I love the strong graphics in this photo. It has a way of pulling me in, turning me upside down and almost giving me vertigo as I try to figure out which way I should be looking. The shadow is a nice element that adds interest to the repetition of pattern of the gray element, - but for me it is secondary to the almost visceral reaction to the composition itself. The clever use of similar but different triangles and  magenta tones and gestures is superb. Great eye and great execution! I love it.

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