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Posts posted by alex.held

  1. <p>Thanks to <strong>Arthur Richardson</strong>, <strong>Jeff Farkash</strong>, <strong>Gej Jones</strong> and <strong>Lil Judd</strong> for the comments and kind words!!<br /><br />The ones I like a little more are: <strong>Lil's</strong> Artistic macro, <strong>Gej Jones's</strong> Stair, <strong>Greg Jones's</strong> Flamingos, <strong>Jana Hughes's</strong> Car, <strong>Josh Loeser's</strong> Guitarist hands, <strong>Rick Moran's</strong> Ballet Bird, <strong>Roberta Davidson's</strong> Water drops, <strong>Gabriel Hasser's</strong> Steps, <strong>Janne Kaakinen's</strong> Dogs point of view, <strong>Aguinaldo de Paula's</strong> Cathedral (enjoy your trip!) <strong>Alpo Syvänen's</strong> Trees (Don't ever leave the forest! every week a fantastic picture from there) <strong>Greg Kowalczewski's</strong> Death Rattle. I also have no idea what it means, being South American. but a great sport shot!<br>

    <br /><strong>Tiffany Brook</strong>...Very funny!! but you still owns us a Landscape ;-)! About what you asked Pascal Burel on his beautiful last week pic (the 3 dogs) I'm almost sure the picture is a card of Padre Pio AKA <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padre_pio">Saint Pio of Pietrelcina</a> a controvertial Capuchin Priest who died in 1968. Famous for his Stigmata [wounds similar to the Christ ones] and other miracles as being in two different places at the same time ( That would be great!!) <br /><br />by by <br />Alejandro</p>

  2. <p>Hello All<br /> <br /> Thanks to Laura Delegal, Tiffany Brook and Greg Kowalczewski for your kind words about my last week pic<br /> <br /> Summer Holiday is over, the kids in Uruguay and Argentina are back to classes. Beaches are deserted now.<br>

    <br /> D300 + Tamron 10-24@24mm - 0.8 Sec.- f 10 - ISO 400</p><div>00W1L9-229965784.jpg.45f5064dd58400bccc4525507991a6ef.jpg</div>

  3. <p>Hello All<br /> <br /> Sorry for another Stink Bug! <br /> <br /> Lil show us how a serious photographer handles the Macro world<br /> <br /> Mine was taken with the "Lazy Photographer Metod". I just take around 20 handheld pics of the bug and show the less horrible. <br /> <br /> It was taken a few days ago in my summer house backyard in Uruguay. I found that a non-edible berries bush was infected with Stink Bugs. In spanish we call it Chinche Verde.<br /> May stink to humans but no the birds, in a week they had eaten all the bugs! <br /> <br /> <br /> D300 + Tamron 90mm - 1/320 - f10 - ISO 800</p><div>00Vxnx-227845584.jpg.7a77a8cbd76497b3bb290d452229e3ea.jpg</div>
  4. <p>Hello All<br>

    This I took yesterday, in my last day at the beach ( last for February, hope to have a few more days in March).<br>

    He is my brother Gustavo, practicing windsurf. He lives in Spain, in Alcala. Came to visit us and most important to scape from the freezing cold. He asked me to take several shots so he can improve his tecnique.<br>

    D300 + 18-200 VR@ 200mm - ISO 200 - f 5.6 - 1/1000sec.</p><div>00VnFV-221445684.jpg.a5afec945924ef45f0789503fba7d60a.jpg</div>

  5. <p>Hello All<br>

    Fantastic Photos everyone!!!<br>

    I´m in a cybercafe in a small Uruguayan town by the sea, not much time to talk about the pics.<br>

    This I took several weeks ago. <br /> This man in San Telmo Fair, try to resemble an Argentinian Gaucho, but looks more like "Hoss" Cartwright with funny beard to me.<br /> <br /> D300 + 18-200 @200mm - f6.3 - 1/320 sec. - ISO 200</p><div>00VjfP-219245684.jpg.9c4b5c62c392eeb13cd426b1745e8191.jpg</div>

  6. <p>Thanks to <strong>Gej Jones</strong> , <strong>Roberta Davidson</strong> and <strong>Joseph Leotta</strong> !<br>

    <br /> Good to see <strong>Per-Christian</strong> back....now we "lost" <strong>Gary Mcghee</strong> ...well he is famous now! ;-)<br /> <br /> Tomorrow I'll cross the River Plate towards Uruguay for my 2 weeks Summer Holidays. I'll try to post from there, but if not, see you all in 2 weeks, by by</p>

  7. <p>The Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) is one of the most typical birds in the subtropical jungle around Iguazu Falls. I would have loved to see them in their habitat but I had no luck. In 4 complete days spent in the Parks, I couldn´t see a single one specimen of this F**antastic bird. ( The same that Aguinaldo seems to find easily and in abundance!) <br /> <br /> The only one I could find is this one. Inside Guira Oga, a bird sanctuary near the falls. Most of the birds that are here had been seized by Customs from smugglers or found injured in the Park. <br /> <br /> Acording to our guide, is not fit to be release into the wild so will be kept in a cage for breeding, only they have not found a female toucan yet. <br /> <br /> Everybody loves him....till we are shown the incubators with hundreds of chicks that have just hatched their eggshells. This is the toucan food... aghhh....Nasty toucan, Nasty!!! <br /> <br /> PS. Thanks to<strong> Joseph Leotta</strong> and <strong>Gej Jones</strong> for last week words about my pic.<br /> <br /> <br /> D300 + 18-200 VR @200mm - 1/50 - f 11 - ISO 2500 + Noise Ninja in PS4<br /></p><div>00Vc77-214331684.jpg.990f60a071f1cc37ab1d452299063450.jpg</div>
  8. <p>Thanks <strong>Lil</strong><br>

    <br /> So to Bolivia I'll go! And don't worry, we Southamericans, know very well how to smuggle tons of illegal substances into USA without much problem! So a parrot is not big deal! <br /> <br /> I'm joking of course.<br>

    While in Iguazu Falls, I visited Guira-Oga, a Santuary for birds and small animals seized at customs. Is incredible the level of stress of these poor creatures. They found them stuck inside soccer balls, cans of food, radios, etc. Some may never recover. And surely they found only a small part or the total traffic. <br /> <br /> I'm practicing with Noise Ninja on some pics I took there. I'll post one next Wednesday.<br /> <br /> About missing ones, where is Per-Christian? I want to see the Sigma 150-500 in action!<br /> <br /> by by <br /></p>

  9. <p>Thanks <strong>Tiffany</strong> ! and again a Lovely family portrait yours. <br /> <br /> Thanks<strong> Lil</strong> ! and congratulation for your Porzana carolina catching! .. by the way ...if you know of a bird as valuable as the Cockatoos, but around here, in South America, tell me so, please. It would be an interesting way to finance a D3x and new prime lenses !! ;-) <br /> <br /> About Ton Mestrom, his last posting here was around week 42, and it was an empty post, no pics no words. It was after the discussion about sizes and pixels. I thought it was a way to say he was no longer posting here. Hope to be wrong, I miss also his fantastic images here.<br /> <br /> But he is very active posting and commenting in others photo.net forums <a href="../shared/community-member-all?proc_name=bboard&user_id=3937630 ">Link </a> and <a href="../photos/TonMestrom">Portfolio</a> <br /> <br /> by by</p>
  10. <p>Hello All<br>

    I love the "tilework" or "Trencadis" simil of this lizard skin.<br>

    D300 + Tamron 90 mm - 1/1250 - f 3.5 - ISO 1000<br>

    PS. Thanks to Gej Jones for your kind words about my last week pic.</p>


  11. <p>Hello All<br /> <br /> How I wish to have a Snow Cave!!!, here in Buenos Aires we are having 40 C (104 F) and a very high humid rate. We even have had a tornado 2 days ago, something completely unusual a few years ago. <br /> <br /> I'm not venturing outside much with my camara these days but I'm still processing pics I took 3 month ago at Iguazu Falls. <br /> <br /> This one was taken in the Argentine Park walking the Macuco Trail, a rainforest mud path 3.550 m long (11.650 ft). When passing near a small bog I saw several clusters of red eggs. As there were frogs around I thought it belong to them. But when I return someone, who knows better, told me that the eggs are from a kind of Apple Snail, the <a href="http://www.applesnail.net/content/species/pomacea_canaliculata.htm">Pomacea Canaliculata</a> . <br /> <br /> I will never forget the moment, because when I tried to get closer I lost balance and fell into the mud. The D300 sunk halfway deep. I'm still removing red earth from it with every cleaning. But never stop working <br /> <br /> By By Alejandro<br /> <br /> <br /> PS. Thanks to Durukan Payzanoglu for your comment last week!<br /> <br /> <br /> D300 + 18-200 VR@200mm - f 5.6 - 1/80 sec. - ISO 500 </p><div>00VUR1-209507584.jpg.3259532b4d9264ad5e8533ce2165a89a.jpg</div>
  12. <p>Happy New Year to all <br /> <br /> Thanks to Hans Schrama, Mikhail Tsypkin and Janne Kaakinen for the comments on my photo last week. <br /> <br /> And to all who are part of this Thread by posting images from all over the world ( especially the ones that post those beautiful Winter pics, that refresh my mind while the ultra hot and humid Buenos Aires is melting my body!<br /> <br /> Muchas Gracias Jose y Feliz Año!!!<br /> <br /> This is the Floralis Generica in Buenos Aires. A stainless steel sculpture resembling a "generic" flower with petals that opens up during the day and closes at night. Thanks to the Sun and the reflections I couldn't stand more than 15 minutes under it. <br /> <br /> D300 + Tamron 10-24 @10mm - ISO 200 - 1/3200 - f3.5 </p><div>00VMzz-204851784.jpg.9a3433276dff6250fb0a667e91d211b1.jpg</div>
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