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Image Comments posted by joshbodden

    Angelic light


    I'm disappointed...I just wrote many many words praising the beauty of htis shot only to have them disappear by a mis-click. Ah well. I absolutely love this shot. Shadow effect is brilliant (and the rough cement adds a great texture). I love the halo of light and background i just amazing (without distracting).


    My one critique would be the something on the main subject: there is a purse or article of clothing hanging down from her left hand (our right) that I find a bit distracting. Other than that I can only find tons of praise for this shot. Just phenomenal!



    Thank you for loading up the colour version of this photo. The b&w was wonderful but this is just magnificent!

    Baby Bliss


    Now as much as I find children adorable (I have four of my own) I generally don't get a huge kick out of this type of portrait..but I have to say that this is perfect. Great pose, great lighting, great usage of props without overwhelming subject, and great personality. Definitely in awe of this one!

    Father and son


    Hi Emilio!


    Alright I spent a couple of minutes (I think about 4) just doing a quick change to color and brightness (I'm still learning post-processing but hopefully you can see what I was attempting). Like I said, beautiful image regardless. I may have to try and recreate this shot with my boys in summer =-)



    I love the soft feel of the photo and how the pillow background isolates a very precious moment. The only thing I would change is that there are a few creases on the top right of the shot that are not caused by the weight of the hands. I might smooth those in post-processing. Thank you for a beautiful image.

    Father and son


    Love the composition and subjects. The only thing I would suggest would be to add a post process filter to slightly temper the brightness. Maybe a very slight amber would bring more warmth to the already great shot!

  1. Wow. This is absolutely beautiful. I was surprised to see only a 4 so far for this photo. I love the muted colors yet verdant landscape. The haziness to the far left of the picture may bother some, but I think it draws attention to the foreground. In particular I like the spots of color from the flowers. Thank you so much for this photo.


  2. I'm not sure why the low ratings are for this photo. My first impression was that I wish the background wasn't so washed out, but the more I look at this photo, the more I'm glad it is. It draws much more focus to the beautiful couple. With that thought, I would probably filter the tree on the left since it's the only background that has a major presence and detracts from the main subjects. 


    As for the subjects themselves, I love their casual and comfortable presence. It doesn't at all feel staged yet they are just so perfectly posed. Great picture!

    DSC_5988 (1)


    Two things get a bit generic: agrarian/pastoral photography and buildings. I always LOVE to see new and exciting takes on these. Definitely love this photograph. Agree with the above critique about the POV and the beautiful lines. Also I like your low vantage point. Most people would have left it at standing (or near standing) height and called it good. A "meh" picture would have been the result. This looks great. Thanks for letting your photograph teach me.



    I love the hand placement, the lighting, the composition, and the coloring of the shot. Fantastic! If I might note one thing: the eyes are obviously the focal point and yet the slightly washed out coloring which works so great for the rest of the shot dims them slightly as well. I would like to see them a bit brighter to draw attention to them. Not to the point where they are 10 shades too bright, but just a bit to draw more attention. Again, my very humble opinion. The shot is absolutely fantastic. Thank you for letting your picture teach me!

  3. Absolutely stunning. I love the road heading all the way to the horizon and the fence off to the side. I guess my only question is: is it tilting to the left slightly? Maybe it's just an optical illusion (and I don't like to download other peoples pictures even to inspect them) but it seems like the camera is just slightly cantered (5 degrees?) to the left. But maybe I'm just looking at it cross-eyed. Other than that, it is beautiful!

  4. Truthfully I love the background and the post processing work done on the picture. Lighting is also wonderful. The ONLY thing I have a question about is the daughters head...it looks positioned wrong with her shoulders set back a bit. Doesn't look quiet comfortable or natural. Even with that it's a great photo!

    world in my hand


    I'm not sure what to say beyond my title. This is exactly what I dream of doing...just need lots more practice with photography as well as photo editing. Absolutely stunning. Your whole portfolio is beautiful and imaginative. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting your work teach me!



    Greetings! I have looked through your portfolio and overall am very impressed by your vision! This picture however could use a bit of work. The subject himself is fine and colorful. The real problem is the isolation program you used. If you are using photoshop (which I do not) then you're in luck. There are some great tools in there for doing this (though you need to play around with the controls a bit). You can also purchase plugins (which I do not suggest unless you plan on doing LOTS of these photos.) If you are using another program, then I would suggest playing around with the settings there as well. Also, smooth the edges of the subject with a "soft" brush to take off the harshness of the lines. Just a few thoughts that could make this photo really interesting!

    On the beach


    I love it. I love the focus and the DOF. I enjoy the dark background characters against the bright sky. Absolutely wonderful artwork.

  5. Wonderful framing and the background elements add great depth to the photo without distracting from the subjects. Best of all it seems genuine. If I can say one thing, there is a piece of grass (wheat? etc.?) that connects their noses by the light color that is a bit distracting. I would prefer if it were photoshopped out, but that's just me. Other than that I couldn't change a thing!!



    Love the orchid, but there is too much direct flash. (shadows from the petals on the flower itself is very stark) I would much prefer to see natural light (especially since I don't have expensive equipment). Place it by a north facing widow and let the diffused light illuminate the flower naturally and it would be a much more beautiful shot. Plus right now you see part of the "stem" in the back ground but not much else due to the flash capture. I do love me my orchids though!

  6. I like it very much...my only suggestion is to have added the "color" to the other bubble as well (though perhaps there was none visible at the distance). It just looks a bit odd that one (even though it is the focal point) has the colorings while the other remains black and white. Even still, an incredible picture!



    Very nice compilation. The lighting is near exact and the placement is perfect. My only suggestion has to do with the sand being thrown up by the wheels of the train: it appears very liquidous and less dry. I would offer a sugestion to have more billowing and less "strings" of sand. Perhaps more larger "fog" of dust the further down the train as well to show the passing of the train. Just some thoughts, but, as always, very interesting and thought provoking!

  7. Wow...just wow. I do wish the left side of the shot was slightly brighter, but you get what you get!! Even with a third of the shot slightly less "magnificent" it's still an incredible shot...does "wish I was there" say anything! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Alright, typically I do not go for architecture photography at all. Give me a great portrait or intriguing "people" shot. I might have to rethink my previous view. I love the symmetry here with the reflection...awesome. Plus what really caught my eye was round light cover in the midst of all expanding lines. It really brings the whole picture to a focal point. Excellent!

    Flower World


    I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me. I love the lines and

    colour of this photo but would like the advice of those far greater and wiser

    than I to chime in!



    Absolutely beautifully rendered and composited. While I enjoy fantasy writing and movies I am seldom impressed by pictures of the same genre. I love it!

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