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Posts posted by markus_muller

  1. <p>Thanks, the caltar 90mm looks good!<br>

    I just noticed that there are two recessed boards included with the cambo sc I bought. (I don`t have it yet)<br>

    Also a P-Sandmar 90mm, but I think that it doesnt work well with 4x5...what do you think?<br>

    I don`t really understand why you need a recessed board when using wide angle lenses. Whats the physical advantage? Doesn´t it just make the distance from film to lens shorter?</p>


  2. <p>Also found this one: http://www.walkercameras.com/XL_4x5.html<br>

    I kinda like the camera, small and plenty movement for architectural I think.<br>

    "The Walker Titan XL 4x5 Field camera is primarily a wide angled camera with a fixed back which addresses the inevitable problem that afflicts all view cameras when used with extreme wide angle lenses, namely parallelism of the front and rear standards; critical depth of focus declines as focal length diminishes as does the need for swings and tilts. "</p>

  3. <p>thank you very much sean! We have got a sinar at the college, we also have an epson v750 and a b/w and color darkroom. So I would only need a camera and film. I think I will test the sinar during the xmas break. What do you guys think about 4x5 cameras without tilt? What about cameras like cambo wide, silvestri T30, alpa 12wa...? I heard that they should be even better than mono rail cameras because the film and lens are more parellel. They also look very handy and more easy to use...</p>
  4. <p>thank you guys, I heard that the new nikon t/s lenses are a lot better than the canon t/s lenses?! There is a 24mm, 45mm and 85mm available. What about cambo wide cameras? (or in general LF cameras without a bellow). Tilt isn`t that important for architecture, am i wrong? @dan: I`m checking german ebay daily :-) and yes we have a epson v750 at college. On one hand I would love to use / learn to use a LF camera on the other hand I`m not sure if shooting 4x5 is worth the trouble. Also I could`nt afford shooting a lot- 4x5 film & processing is expensive here. And shooting roll film with a LF and scanning on an epson v700 is not much better than a good dslr?! I`m a bit confused...maybe I should try to rent a LF and a dslr + t/s lens before buying...</p>
  5. <p>thanks alex,<br>

    a) at the moment about 3000€<br>

    b) It would be nice to use it professionally when I get out.<br>

    I know that a 4x5 is more quality, I just liked the dslr+ts idea because of the digital work flow. The equipment should be at least good enough to make a good portfolio to get jobs after college...maybe little jobs during the college.</p>

  6. <p>Hello,<br>

    I study photography at an art collage and i want to specialize in architecture photography. I don`t have money to buy a 4x5 with lens, imacon scanner, 4x5 films + developing.... to do serious architecture photography. So I`m not sure what to do. I`m not even able to shoot good photos for a portfolio without an adjustable camera/lens. We have a 4x5 at the collage but we may not take it out of the studio!  Maybe I should get a d700 with 24mm shift lens, so I would not have to pay for film and developing. This is really expensive here in europe. Is the resolution, dynamic range etc..of a d700  good enough? At the moment I`m shooting with an 20 yrs. old Nikon FM2 and 35mm shift....<br>

    What camera system would you recommend?</p>

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