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Image Comments posted by michael_edelman3


    Nice contrast between the angular elements, the monochrome wall and the subject. I think it would be improved by a little cropping- or conversely, widening the shot to make the subject smaller.

    A foggy pond

    An interesting scene, but the effect is not so much fog as it is just a general washed out grey. You might try shooting this scene again on an overcast, but less foggy, day.


    Almost cloyingly cute but I still like it. Excellent composition and the photographer knows you have to get down on the ground if you want to photograph kids and animals!

    Pot of Gold?

    The photo should have been shot much closer, to concentrate more on the geyser, or from much farther, to show the geyser in its setting. Shooting at a much higher shutter speed to freeze it would help; so would using a much slower speed, to make it more abstract. The problem is that the spray from the geyser obscures much of the background, but the geyser itself is too indistinct to be an interesting subject. This is a good example of where the photographer sees an intersting subject but doesn't fully consider the difference between how film and the eye see a subject.

    number 1

    A good example of where digital falls down compared tofilm. This photo really cries out for exceptional resolution and tonal gradation. You want to see the individual hairs and the division between the beard and the sweater- but it's too muddy. A good idea let down by technical limitations.


    There's a lot of character and expression in the subject's face, but it's lost in the expanse of the picture. The jacket, which isn't particularly interesting, competes with the face for the attention of the viewer. There's not much else going on there. The background- which occupies a large portion of the photo- is blurred and indistinct. There's not enough contrast and there aren't any strong elements other than the face to hold the viewer's interest.

    Tapkol Park

    A good candid. The hands and the stick have a lot of character. Consider cropping on top and right to center the hands a bit more and remove some of the white shirt that intrudes on the right.
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