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Posts posted by ray_miller4

  1. <p>Thank You Steve for your quick response. Yes I'm going to shoot HS so i need to get ready by trying your advice now on individual travel games as practice. I plan on going in the sin bin which should give me very good coverage. Thanks again for all your advice and will practice, practice, practice.</p>
  2. <p>I am a fairly new shooter or just a hockey dad that wants good pictures of my son playing hockey. I am using the cannon 50D with the Sigma 70-200/2.8 lens. I know the lighting is not the best in indoor rinks so i use 1600 iso or greater. My pictures don't come out good they often are blurry and with trails. How do i stop this from occurring? What should my settings be? Overall i just need help getting those nice crisp action shots. Sorry if i posted in the wrong forum as a am a beginner, but figured this pertains to sports. Please respond in layman's terms so i can understand what I'm doing wrong.<br>

    Thank You<br>


  3. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I'm looking for your opinion on what wide angle lens i should rent or purchase for my trip to Jamaica. I shoot with a 50d body and currently own two lenses.....70-200/f2.8 and 24-70/f2.8 both being Sigma. The landscape will be breathtaking along with the sunsets, so what lens would you take for the trip and if buying please consider it will be used for all typs of photography. Thanks Ray</p>

  4. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I,m shooting with the canon 50d body and the 70-200mm f2.8II apo ex dg macro sigma lens. I'm very new at this and wanted to know what setting would be the best for hockey shots. Do i just use the auto setting or should i use the sports setting or some other that i don't know? Can i set the camera to remember the settings? Any and all advise would be great for this newbeeee. Thanks</p>

  5. I recently purchased the canon 50d and would like to know what the best lens would be for shooting my son and his team

    playing ice hockey? I also want a good lens for the everyday spur of the moment shots. I am new with all this but really

    want the best quality photos i can take, so if you can also tell me where to puchase with great pricing that would be great.



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