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Posts posted by gorasinski

  1. <p>I'll be quick.</p>

    <p>If I was shooting studio and loved high ISO, I would go for 5D MkII, especially that you have 50mm already, which is an amazing lens.</p>

    <p>Second body could be kept as spare, or sold along with Tamron and bought another good lens?</p>

  2. <p>I think this is pointless, unless your camera is being filmed for a sitcom and you do not wish to advertise ;)<br>

    By taping the camera, one tries to hide the model so potential thief does not target it. Well, what I think is that it actually atracts thieves, as if I was one, I would have thought that a taped camera MUST be very expensive and go for it!<br>

    What do you think?</p>

  3. <p>I do not think that it will be possible, although I might be wrong as I do not know LG phone. I think it does not support USB HOST controller, and you need it to recognise equipment connected to it.<br>

    My suggestion would be to take more memory cards, rather than transferring images onto phone directly. Especially that phones like to be stolen or lost ;)</p>

  4. <p>Matt, thank you very much.<br>

    What model do you have?<br>

    Maybe there is someone who would have CX3 experience, as it seems rather cheap compared to other CF - class tripods. As I can not find any reviews on that tripod, does any one know if it is any different to XPROB, functionality wise?</p>

    <p>Thank you</p>

  5. <p>Hi all,</p>

    <p>I am looking for a tripod that will go nicely with my 488rc2 head. I have narrowed my search to 055-series (XPROB most probably), then I encountered on the web <a href="http://www.warehouseexpress.com/product/default.aspx?sku=1027599">055CX3</a> @ 200GBP (as opposed to 120 for XPROB) made of carbon fibre. Myquestion is, is it actually worht, considering that it is an invetment, to go for a lighter version that goes to 177cm (me being 183 (6"))? I have a 40D + 17-55 IS USM at the moment, and these boys are rather heavy, not to mention that I would like to go heavier in near future.<br>

    What do you think, are those two sets of legs rather similar in their capabilities? CX3 goes higher and even lower for macro than XPROB, it also can take heavier load.<br>

    What are the real life differences between aluminium and carbon fibre, apart from the obvious like weight and strength.<br>

    If you say, that Carbon Fibre is the way to go, I will stretch my budget, as I hope it is for years.</p>


  6. <p>At the bottom of Lightroom you should have all the slides from your import. If you press CTRL+A (select all) then you will be able to apply the white balance to all of those photos.<br>

    Let us know if thisis not what you had in mind.<br>

    PS. You can also select single photos by holding CTRL and clicking on individual photos.</p>

    <p>EDIT: Instructions for PCs only ;)</p>

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