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Posts posted by dianna_noreen

  1. not sure what happened to shot today going to try and upload again, i am hand holding the camera and takig all

    shots hand held, i am focuing on subjecct then following him as he runs then i start shooting just before he starts to


  2. Using Nikon D50 with a nikkor 70-300 lense, its a bright sunny day shooting on shutter priority, setting the shutter

    speed at 1000 and the iso at 400 today with the bright sun, focal length 170mm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i have the focus set at

    continious and focusing on my subject and panning as he is running and clicking away,using the metric metering, i

    am still getting blur......... this is a pic from today, is this lens not fast enough to stop action???? any help would be

    appreciated. on wed i shot with the same camera and lense under same lense and same conditions and about half

    the pics came out

    please see pics attached

  3. I have been reading lots of tips on this forum and i am trying to shoot pics of my australian shepherd playing frisbee

    and jumping in the air. i shoot with a d80 and i was using a 18-105 nikkor lens, i set my shutter speed to 1/500 AND

    iso to 400, it was partly cloudy day , all of my shots came out really dark, i tried lots of different setting and all dark,

    if i turn on the flash they get better, but then i dont seem to get the fast shooting i need,

    i also have a 50 mm 1.8 nikkon lense (havent tried that with frisbee dogs yet, any help would be appreciated

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