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Image Comments posted by katinkagoffin

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    I'm a purist when it comes to photos and editing, but this is a really neat shot. Her pose is excellent, and the colors and contrasts are quite stunning, although I suspect they became a lot more vivid after a little touch-up. A very "alive" shot.

    Not my time

    I too prefer the original composition to the other, although both are good. It think it's be better to just view them as "individuals". Beautiful capture in both cases.



    Beautifully executed. I'm not sure if I would have had such a large part of that unfocused plant in the lower left corner in the shot, but at the same time it strengthens the impact of the shoe. The shoe is very powerful, it makes one think about the mysteries around it; how did the little boy or girl manage to lose his or her shoe, is an example. A lot of scenarios pop into ones mind.. Well, it did with me anyway (and I just assumed the shoe was a child's, that's what it looks like from here..).

    A very good picture.


    I really enjoy the line leading to the subjects and the fact that they're not in focus, but still are the main theme. And the storytelling aspect of it is great. Quite unoriginal comments, but very true.


    Interesting picture. I like the geometry with the windows. The colors are very vivid, which appeals to my eye, in this case.

    Scary Bird

    Love the colors, the expression, and that you placed the head to the far right. I would prefer a little more of the face to be in focus, but all-in-all, it's a good shot.


    The concept is stunning. It's a great shot. The lines are very clear, and the contrasts, emphasized by b&w, are very nuanced, making it very captivating to look at and admire. The only thing that bugs me is the unfocused part on the left side. I'm not quite sure what I would do about it, but I think it is too big of an area to be blurry; it steals too much attention from the rest of the picture. But, in any case, it is a great photo and a beautiful concept.


    Good composition of lines and the "golden ratio". I like the colors. The light, especially on the left side (the right side is somewhat darker because of shadows), could have been darker.



    Some of the lines of the opera are interesting, but this particular picture doesn't do the opera any justice (jeg har sett den selv). The angle of the photo isn't captivating and, quite honestly, I think the picture is pretty dull. But I also think that there is a lot of potential when it comes to the opera. I didn't mean to be so harsh, but that's just what I thought when I initially saw it.

    Anyway, happy photographing!


    Fun concept! Personally, I would have emphasized more on the card and not have that light on the lower right side. Also, the subject looks a bit clueless. A firmer expression (..perhaps alluring/enthralling/mysterious) would give the picture a stronger overall impression. But, this is of course your photo. And aside from the critiques, I quite like the photo. Nice concept, in any case.


    The receding fence is great; I love that it grows fainter as it heads towards the middle of the photo. But I think what makes this particular photograph interesting (and unique) is the structure in the center (resembling some sort of crane), making it's presence quite clear. I get sort of a dominant "vibe" since it's leaning in a lesser degree angle than the fence's. The picture gives me a sort of industrial feel, with the structure, the trash along the edge of the sidewalk, and the tall fence (for all I know, its length is equivalent to a stepladder, but I get the impression it's taller). Fascinating shot.



    Would you find it ironic if I told you that the guy in the picture is practically a year younger?

    Because he is.

    So, putting your rather disturbing interpretation of my photo aside, would you maybe like to give me a new and substantial comment?

  1. I'd like to get some critique on this picture. It's a pretty random pick...

    Anyway, I'm relatively new to photography and I'd like to see what some

    more experienced photographers have to say (write). I'd appreciate all

    comments/suggestions/critique, whether from an ameteur or a

    professional. In any case, thanks for checking the photo out!

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