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Image Comments posted by jdhays


    Okay, this is just me and probably because I live in the snowbelt and struggle with finding interesting landscapes in the winter, but I find myself really wanting to see the peak in the background as opposed to the trees blocking it in the fore. I would give it 7's otherwise... I love the lighting and texture and location and the feeling of serenity it gives.

    Crusty snow spray

    Okay... I'm a non-skiier, and I had to enlarge to figure out what this was. The snow spray looks awesome, but if there was more of the skiier showing it would make the subject of the photo more (readily) apparent. Just my opinion, though.

    Hatch Peppers


    You're making me homesick... and hungry.


    This is just my opinion, of course, but I would either subtract the people or bring them out of the background (not cover them with the chili). I do like the color and subject matter here, it's quite original.


    Take care... J

  1. Hi Mike,


    This is near where I live, and it can (and has) snow any month of the year here. Probably why the bears are so grouchy. There are two pictures in my portfolio from GNP that were taken on May 1; they're the two there with a lot of snow in them.


    Your composition is good, but I think this picture would benefit greatly from some post-processing. A levels adjustment, in particular, would improve the contrast a lot.


    I look forward to seeing more.


    Take care... J

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