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Posts posted by knutskjaerven

  1. <p>All<br>

    Couple of weeks ago a bought a Leica D-LUX 4. Yesterday, when shooting in BW mode I found that when loading the pictures to Adobe Lightroom they turned up as color photos. To my great surprice.<br>

    When I viewed the shots on the camere screen, they were all BW.<br>

    Can anyone explain what happened here? I tested for the same results earlier to day, and the same thing happened.<br>

    Apart from that the camera is amazing. Thanks.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Arthur, thanks for responding.<br>

    I have read this thread with great pleasure. I have, however, no plans for moving over to any versions of Leica. <br>

    I "settle" for a modest combo: the speed and flexibility of the Mark II and the glass of Herr Zeiss :-). It works perfect for me. I find that I have reached a level of equipment quality here, and can afford to say that "enough is enough".<br>

    I keep reminding myself that much more important than the button you press is the finger that press it. <br>

    I try to take pictures that are satisfying not to others, by to myself. I that can sometimes be a tall order. I cannot blame the equipment anymore :-). So the pressure is elsewhere.<br>

    Realising what it actually takes of luck and expertise to box one single good picture I, sometimes, get exhausted. I keep on trying.<br>

    Yes, <a href="http://barebonescommunication.wordpress.com/">barebones i</a>s also about photography, but not only. Thanks for looking.<br>

    All the best<br>


    <p> </p><div>00UAA8-163089584.jpg.663ffd29c28345050de48a567aaf9218.jpg</div>

  3. <p>Well, some say that the red dot isn't that important at all. It is only when you put it to use, that is matters.<br /> Shot, for no particular reason, with a Zeiss 1,4/85 mm ZE on a Canon 5D Mark II.<br /> All the best<br /> Knut<br /> <b>Signature URL removed, not allowed per photo.net Terms of Use.</b><div>00UA02-162955584.jpg.3c5025ca03e314ba81d203452902a2c6.jpg</div>
  4. Why do you talk about Sontag's error?


    You use, imo, the wrong words for the wrong setting. You can talk about errors in a, let's

    say, strict logical argument, but hardly in a interpretation of what photography is or ought

    to be.


    Sontag may have changes opinion in later texts, but that does not say that her former

    interpretation was an error. I rather have it as two aspects of the same issue. If it at all

    was the same issue.


    Interpretation you judge on the validity of the argument.



  5. Thanks all.


    I have, and will, read you sound advice thoroughly, and might buy the book suggested - and a couple of more.


    You haven't scared me stiff yet :-), but I realize that my learning curve, during the next month, will be rather tough.


    BTW, if you care to see some of the things I have done this site is only a few days old - www.skjaerven.com The images are not definite yet, since I am mostly testing functionalities at present. You might find it interesting, that there are no product shots all. I do :-).


    Someone said, that "if you know the road in advance, why walk it"? :-)


    Best Wishes

  6. All


    It seems that I have got a commission on 75 pictures for an art

    catalogue. I am (hopefully) to shoot art object as follows: 20

    original colour oil/acryl paintings 5 sculptures 3 ceramic

    pieces 3 glass pieces 5 jewels 3 books 2 textiles the rest is

    colour lithographs.


    The print will be used in an art catalogue and printed in black

    and white. I may also be asked to do colour images of the same

    objects for a web site.


    The challenge is that all this stuff is placed in a basement

    with no natural light. So, I need to set lights.


    My questions are these: 1. Should I use b&w film for the b&w

    shots, or colour film and later convert to b&w in PS? 2.If I

    choose this solution what colour film would you recommend? 3.If

    I shoot b&w for b&w prints, what film would you recommend? 4.If

    I separately shoot colour for colour web prints, what film

    would you then recommend? 5. I have two 1000 watt lamps for

    video shooting. These are with white umbrellas. Could I use

    this for lighting at all? How would you set the light.


    Additional information. What is needed for the catalogue is

    simple reproductions just including the frames (and no more),

    as for the pictures.


    As for the books, jewels, textiles and sculptures I need some

    neutrals backgrund. What would you use?


    Any advice WILL be MORE than WELLCOME and certainly used. Print

    size in the cataloque will be fairly small. Hope to hear from

    some of you very soon.


    The guy who used to do the catalogue backed off. I was asked if

    I could do it with a digital camera, but since I have none, I

    suggested the Contax G2 in stead.


    Best Wishes




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