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Everything posted by nicholas_johnson2

  1. <p>When I fell, I had the neck strap on and the camera swung sideways into my leg, it was mostly the side of the barrel taking the impact and even then it was pretty light if I remember correctly. It happened so fast I barely had time to process what was happening. </p>
  2. <p>Eric, I took a few test shots using different focal lengths of the lens and all seems to be well. I definitely will be sure to take extra precaution next time round. It is easy to get caught up in the adventure, and forget to watch where you are walking at times. When I saw the lens bounce off of my knee my heart sank, thankfully it wasn't too hard. At least from what I remember. <br> Mike, that sounds like a really bad day, sorry to hear it. I know what you mean though, I have been amazed with the results of the camera, and lenses, and the sharpness right out of the camera. If something happened to change that I would be pretty upset myself. <br> Thank you for your input guys.</p>
  3. Random question, but I am new to Nikon and the system. I recently changed over from Canon, and bought a D810 and 14-24mm for landscape work. Today while shooting I slipped in the mud and the camera and lens hit my leg, with the lens taking most of the impact. The lens seems to still work fine, but it made me consider how tough these lenses are. Are the lenses tough enough to take light impacts like this? Is there anyway anything internal could have been shifted or moved from the impact, and how would I tell? Thanks in advance, happy to be a part of the Nikon family. Just want to make sure I didn't do any harm, and find out how tough they are.
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