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Image Comments posted by john_harvey1


    Nice colors! If the horizon was closer to the bottom third line, that would be good (croping might do that for you). On the large version the houses seem out of focus. Something in the foreground might help.
  1. Hey! Can you tell me what these are? I suspect they are some sort of marker (somewhat like a grave stone), but I haven't been able to confirm this. I've seen other (similar) statues in more rural Japan outside of temples.


    Sorry about the lens flare and the loss of contrast - it' definitly not my best picture, but I'm really interested in the subject and the spinning fans.

  2. The leaf clutter on the left and right edges somewhat detract from the image. I think deeper depth of field (larger f stop) would help - the out of focus area doesn't help draw you to the subject. The color is really good, and the shapes of the root and rock really drew my eye.
  3. I have to say Nice Work Razvan! At first I was skeptical about the source of this image, and with some of the prompting above, I tried to tear it apart in Photoshop but having played with it I come back to this: It is a visually interesting image and I'm not tired of looking at it after a few minuets. I'm inspired to try my own so I have to say thanks!



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