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Image Comments posted by craig_rogers3

  1. Fantastic.  It has to be clicked on and viewed large to appreciate.


    My first thoughts where to shallow DOF, but then once clicked, it came to life.  I love how crystal clear the tram driver is, almost like the world is centred around him.

    This is one of those photos that should be used to illustrate DOF as you can clearly see the line of focus through the middle of the photo.

    We are Cats



    Great thing for me, is I didn't even bother looking to see what the quality or lighting was like.  Why?  Because the photo was so interesting to start with it didn't seem to matter to me.

    Very clever, very funny and that's one beautiful cat.


    Over my shoulder


    Nice photo.  She does look sad and unwell.  Out of chance, was she limping?  We came across a pride with an injured and well underweight Lioness back in May 2011 and it was so sad to see her struggling along, but the Pride was looking after her.



    Brilliant Autumnal shot with a great reflection.  For me, the dark exposure works giving it a strange dark but warm feeling, which I'm guessing is just how it looked.

    The Photo


    Great photo, the thing that makes it interesting for me is that we have no idea what everyone is so fixed at......


    .....come on put us out of our misery, what are they watching? :)

    Rh. euryale


    Amazing capture, the focus is great with a bit of blur on the right wing which gives it motion for me!

    Would love to know how you got this so perfect.  Did you use a motion trigger to fire the camera.



    I like the low down angle of this making the Mushroom look HUGE.  If there is a point for me (not enough to be a critism), it's just the large highlight area to the left where the light is coming through the trees which just pulls my focus away from the Mushroom itself.

    A wonderful shot, I like the framing and DOF too. 

  2. Beautiful!  DOF is perfect for me and I like the black background.  For me, it was pretty obvious that this Tiger was in a zoo, however, the use of clever background does it for me.

    Fantastic capture of a fantastic and sadly endangoured animal.




    I like this one too!

    Great thing I like about this (and it's what I always try to plan) is that the branch goes right into the corner, so using Landscape techniques to draw the eye down the diagonal line to the porcy's sleepy face.  Could possibly benefit from a "warmer" white balance, but if the day was as grey as this, then who am I to say change it.  I'm all for trying to capture exactly what was in front of the camera!



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