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Posts posted by lech1

  1. <p>I bought 35/2 lens and went to shop next day to test two more pieces. One was as bad as mine and the third was superb at stops 4 and 5.6. 90% of shots I do with this lens. Nevertheless at stops 2 and 2.8 it is not very sharp, but the scenes I take at these settings do not require much sharpness (for instance street in the night). The problem with Canon is that they do not test products individually (maybe they test L types?). BTW if You do not use zoom You have to walk and this is the right path to follow.</p>
  2. <p>Looking straight into eyes for prolonged time is aggression. Pls try this behaviour with any animal for instance with a dog. When sombody is a hero of the photo, this photo is not the simple photo taken in a public place. In my opinion it is much more than looking into ones eyes. I was many times surprised that so many aspects of life in US are treated not using common sense but a lawyer.</p>
  3. <p>New lenses are good: 15-85 MTF50 = 45lpmm, 60/2.8 macro MTF50=45lpmm, but famous lenses do not perform that well 70-200/2.8 MTF50=40lpmm, 70-200/4 = 40lpmm and finally 18-55 kit lens MTF50=40lpmm ( but not for 55mm). I think that for pixel observer MTF50 =45 is necessary to feel well. I cited numbers from www.optyczne.pl (english pages are available)</p>
  4. <p>I had same problem, because with Canon kit lens I had to use LR sharpening and the results were not satisfactory. I applied my old lenses - Zeiss Sonnar, Pentacon and soviet Helios and I found unexpectedly that this old devices outperform Canon. Moreover LR work lost its importance because pictures were good without treatment. I bought EF 35/2 and EFS 60/2.8 and the problem disapeared. (EF-35/2 is sharp at 5.6). Anyway when women insist to have nice foto I apply clarity -50, sharpening 80, noise reduction 100.</p>
  5. <p>The stronger the state the less freedom is left to citizens. The bigest terrorist is the state itself. The secret agents confidents are the tools of regime to preserve power. The international terror you speek here is something different. The hegemon has chosen some options and it is clear that this choise will last long. So somebody who is on the wrong side of the gun can look politely at the sky if bombers are coming or can become eventualy the terrorist. Photographers are dangerous in the same degree as flamenco dancers. I do not belive that UK lacks freedom.</p>
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