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Posts posted by sarahcrossphoto

  1. <p>I recently shot an event as a favor to another photog friend for the local library.<br>

    I have tried to stay as close to their previously arrangement as possible...to the point of posting the images in an online gallery for the easy downloads for the client. (images paid for and they'll be receiving a dvd). (sidenote - I usually have them in password protected gallery and copyrights on the images)<br>

    Problem, the client has now shared with other related organizations present at the event. Although the settings are open for free sharing, I luckily have one of these related organizations (a non-profit) approaching me for permission to use a few images on facebook and in their e-newsletter. Of course they want them for free.<br>

    What do I do? It's just been one day and can easily change the settings and send of the DVD to the client. OR...just let them have the images with my credit. Uck. I don't like that.<br>

    Actions I have taken - emailed the original photog as to what they do. emailed the orginal client to see what original photog does.<br>

    Second question- how much to charge for a 1mb commercial use image download for non-profits e-newsletters?<br>

    Thanks in advance. It seems like a reoccurring question of mine. Any opinions and advice are helpful.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Looks like I have a lot of good advice and resources to work with.<br>

    I do the individual catalogs for multiple reasons...in my mind and workflow it stays clean. I don't really see the need to bog it all down and when LR is bogged down...it's really bogged down.<br>

    I also work off of both my laptop and desktop. With individual catalogs, it's easy to hop a shoot from one to the other and never bog down the laptop. And then not deal with "?" sign when removing images from my laptop. I do move images. Don't really know how to NOT move images.<br>

    Quite often when shooting a wedding, I'll do a preliminary edit on site with my laptop first running through photomechanic then doing quick touch ups in LR for a 'finished' slideshow. It's quick and easy. Then returning home, I'll add put that catalog on the desktop with the RAWs, import the full load with a back up to a hard drive. I can transfer that individual work folder from my desktop to my laptop flawlesly...and then the finished product to the backup drive.<br>

    It looks like if I import as DNG that that will actually take care of my DNG question.<br>

    I'll look into how to use LR more "creatively" as per your suggestions... my workflow is currently working for me but perhaps it can be more productive. Perhaps the monthly catalog may be an option.</p>

    <p>thanks for your input. sarah</p>

  3. <p>I think I do things differently than most do when it comes to Lightroom. I have an individual catalog for each shoot. I keep the library folder in the same folder as the RAW's so it works everytime vs bogging down my catalog with a bizallion folders. I really hate the invisible question mark that comes up if I move things around outside of LR ...so to me this is simple.<br>

    My end folder looks like this<br>





    I haven't had a problem with locating images as I date and title the main folder directory and then title the images sequentially with search terms...on top of keywords add in LR.(folder name: 20101031-halloween-llama-farm-portraits_001.DNG)<br>

    My question for a Lightroom Expert; If I remove the RAW file folder, does that then negate my whole process? Do DNG's keep all the historic info from LR...so if need to, I could trash the old catalog, create a new catalog with the DNG's, and start anew for when I need to return to the images to make JPGS and such?<br>

    Does this make sense to anyone? I am testing it as we speak...but the DNG processing is taking forever.<br>

    My goal is to only archive DNG's for space conservation.</p>

  4. <p>Hi Folks.<br>

    I've been shooting at the second highest setting on a 5D MII.<br>

    A little verklempt because I thought I was working with larger sizes AND they are raw in editing. Average raw size is 11mp. I'm exporting them as hi-res Jpeg in LR2, at 100%. They turn into jpgs that are 2-4mps. How can I make them larger?<br>

    Now I'll shoot at the highest raw setting possible. But is there anything I can do with these images so the print output is larger than a 4x6?<br>


  5. <p>Hi Folks.<br>

    I am putting up a large amount of images into a gallery for purchase as prints & downloads. I've just noticed that more than half my prints are below the large download size, which is 4mp.<br>

    A little verklempt because I thought I was working with larger sizes AND they are raw in editing. Average raw size is 11mp. I'm exporting them as hi-res Jpeg in LR2, at 100%. How can I make them larger?<br>

    Please help. What do I do?</p>

  6. <p>Thank you for your responses. I really appreciate it. I somehow missed "negotiating" in school. :) My boyfriend is a top employee of this company, not owner. I am keeping my professional photo business completely separate from his relationship with the company. The owner is a tough negotiator himself and always wants everything for free of course. I've still got to figure out the lingo, but I definitely plan to sell or license these images verses trade for the credit.<br>

    Another photo friend wisely states<br>

    "if they don't pay you, you're basically paying (out of your own pocket) for THEIR advertising, with the HOPE that you MIGHT get work in the future. last time i checked, HOPE didn't put food on the table or buy you a new camera lens."</p>

  7. <p>I've read the most recent post about the photographer whose new father-in-law wants to use his image of the car for his own business.<br>

    My situation is similar but different and I'm looking for some wording help in my communication with this company.<br>

    January my boyfriend's company had their grand opening. It was a large news event and me being an unemployed press photographer, covered the entire event. There are about 200 (edited) images from the entire day. I was not paid for this event and have not given them any images. But I did post them in an public news forum (CNN ireport).<br>

    The new PR has just emailed me<br>

    "am working on some media postcards that will be handed out to potential investors. Sarah would it be possible to get the original images from the openings? I will make sure your images get their due credit on the cards that the appear in. I need these within the next week, so please let me know as soon as possible. <br /> Thank you so much."<br>

    What should I do? Give away the originals for a "due credit" to a company that I can't foresee driving me documentary work...since that's what it was.<br>

    I have the ability to post them in an online forum where they can purchase the images with a commercial copyright. Is this an appropriate step to take? How much is an appropriate price to download hi-res?<br>

    Ug, I need a little adviser in my pocket. Please advise. Thanks!</p>

  8. <p>I just purchased an Epson Viewer P-5000 from a friend for a trip I'm embarking on the day after tomorrow. The problem is...it didn't include the ac power adapter.<br>

    I went to radio shack and purchased one that fit and put the charge light on. It charged for little bit. I unplugged it to move it to another plug and at that point it no longer functioned. The light wouldn't come on.<br>

    Does anyone have experience with using third party ac power adapters with the Epson Viewer p-5000?<br>

    My time is limited otherwise I'd purchase online. I'm limited to Best Buy and Radio Shack. </p>

    <p>Any advice besides chopping my friend's head off?</p>

  9. <p>Wow! Great info. Thanks Tom and Lilly.<br>

    We'll be summitting over a three day hike spending two days at Whitney Portal beforehand and hiking one of the lower but still hike peaks before the departing to aid in the acclimization. It's a full moon the weekend we'll go so I can only hope that stars are still shining through the brightness of the moon. So a tripod for me is a must.<br>

    I've heard that hiking from Trailcamp to the summit in the light of the the moon is phenomenal. That's our plan and I hope it's clear skies.<br>

    Any suggestions on carrying the camera (canon 5d) in a way that I have easy access as well as donning the full pack?<br>

    Also Tom, thanks for the wetness headsup. I hadn't thought of that yet and that's definitely a better safe than sorry scenario.</p>

  10. <p>This summer I'm traveling with a group of 20 individuals who will be building houses in a small Honduran community that was devasted by Hurricane Mitch 12 years ago. I'm the official photographer (travel fees covered but no additional pay) and will be handing over the images to the organization for their own promotional use.<br>

    I'm curious as to what publications are out there that might be interested in running this story. Because of the short time, I'll mainly be focusing on the work this group is doing vs venturing out into the community. I haven't met the group yet and know very little outside of what I've written above.<br>

    Any suggestions on what I can do at the point to turn this into a profitable venture? Also any suggestions on how I should handle any copyright with this organization? This will be my first philanthropic journey.</p>

  11. <p>This July I'll be summitting Mt. Whitney on a three day backpacking trip. Looking for any advice or experience on photographing on top a mountain.Tips and tricks to make this portion easier.<br>

    I hope to bring my Canon 5D Mark II and one lens. My current lighter weight options are the 16-35mm F2.8, 28-135mm F4, Any votes on either or should I bring both?<br>

    I don't have the current funds to purchase another lens...so one of these will have to do.<br>

    I'd also like to bring a tri-pod that will still need to be purchased. Any suggestions on a good, light weight, mountaineering tripod so I can catch the full moon and then sunrise at 14,000 ft?<br>

    Thanks in Advance.</p>

  12. <p>Hi Sean,<br>

    I'm also traveling to Central America this summer, for a less duration but am bringing more equipment...so I am on the same hunt as you. I've been told by other photogs to check out Richard Reyes<br /> Hill & Usher Insurance<br /> 3033 N. 44th Street, #300<br />Phoenix, Arizona 85018<br />Ph:1-866-977-4725 (press 134)<br />Fax:1-877-956-4418<br>

    <br />I've currently got a call into them and I can't imagine it to be cheap considering the cost of replacement of the equipment...but better safe than sorry right?Eeek!<br>

    Good luck and would love to hear what you go with.</p>

  13. <p>Awesome. Great feedback. I am shooting digital and I pondering this question specifically for the online gallery. I'm not soo keen on offering the images in multiple platforms merely because I want to optimize each to it's best potential in my editing and toning process. <br>

    Just wasn't sure if it was tacky or weird to have a combination all in the same package. Perhaps I will have groupings so they aren't so -one this one, one that one.<br>

    I like the idea of sticking to one from the get go and may incorporate that into my system moving forward.</p>

    <p> </p>

  14. <p>I'm currently editing a wedding that have some images that really work as b&w and some that really work as color. What is standard in delivery for the whole shabang? All one or the other...or a mixture? Do you offer all in color AND all in b&w?</p>


  15. <p>I recently photographed a wedding with two canons and my second shot with a Nikon. We both synced the cameras and I can even see the correct timestamp on both sets from hers and mine. However, when I sort by timestamp in Lightroom it does not merge the groupings...which is the full intent.<br>

    They are all imported into the same folder. I do the same steps I've done with all the other weddings...but they have all been Canon shot.<br>

    Any suggestions?</p>

  16. <p>Thanks all for your comments and suggestions. My intent was to meerly speed the process of introducing myself to a new town considering I have no current clients. And by graciously thanking those that helped me get the ball rolling in a way that they can then utilize my services (considering it's a gift certificate for my services and not cash). Many of these individuals thus far have been people my age who could use a little help anyway. Perhaps not the best approach. I'll keep charging away at the "normal" stuff and hope that it begins to pick up. Thanks.</p>
  17. <p>Hi Photonet! I'm new to the area and am working on generating interests in my new wedding business by promoting a "Referral Program". Such as, "you refer me to your friend and you will receive $150 gift certificate for my services."<br>

    Is this normal? Do you have experience with what works as a good referral? Is $150 too high, too low for someone who hooks me a big package wedding?<br>

    New to the area means that I know very little people and would love to get the "buzz" going.<br>

    Thoughts please AND thank you!!!</p>


  18. <p>Hi All,<br /> Just want to do a little follow up. After some very hard a difficult conversations with the bride and groom, I did in fact bow out. I felt I was being taken advantage of because I was a "friend with a camera" and not taken seriously as a professional photographer. I've been shooting weddings long enough to know my limits in dealing with friends. This strange scenario did not feel good. And if it doesn't <em>feel </em>good. It probably isn't.</p>

    <p>Even after describing the necessacity of determining a "lead" she still wanted us both to be equals. In fact, she wanted the other photographer to focus on the documentary and for me to focus on portraits...pinholing my actual duties. This did not feel good considering my expertise IS documentary. In fact I felt disrespected and especially felt that they had not done their research on me or other photographers. It was too late at this point to educate them on what professional wedding photography is. BUT this is a BIG point. Brides have no clue! They need education. They need to shop around and actually determine what they want. And even after doing that, that does not mean that you'll be a perfect match. Lots of lessons learned here.</p>

    <p>In my experience shooting with a popular warehouse wedding company (not to be named), I discovered first hand the result of not designating a lead photographer. Both photographers were assigned to get same shots in order keep shooting with the company. This prevented a team like partnership. This creates a competitive and uncomfortable scenario. As well as an uncomfortable experience for the bride! The images reflect this and the day is no fun. There needs to be a lead...someone who knows what's going on. That's why people hire a professional vs. a student. Attached is an image from one of these weddings that describes the result of not having this foundation instilled beforehand. I was told I had to be in the small room with two other photographers getting the same shots if I wanted to continue working with that company. I never worked with them again after this by my choice.<br>

    When I shoot a wedding regardless of shape, size, friends, family...I shoot it as a professional and to my very best to portray the day as I see it...to tell the story without limitations. As I discovered, not all couples really want a professional. If they have a friend with a camera, that might be good enough. It's important to educate the bride up front as well as to let them know it's important to shop around. Which is what I ended up telling my friends and what I should have told them from the get go.</p>

    <p>"Shop around, ask other photographers the same questions you asked of me and if you are still interested in my services, I'd be happy to sit down with you."</p>

    <p>One last thing in this long ending, I've now determined what my "friends & family" discount is...which I had not designated beforehand because those individuals previously were "ok" paying my asking fee. Friends & Family is only for those closest of close. With a starting discount of 15% (free for immediate family).(These specific potential clients were on the outskirts of friends and I would not have been on the guest list anyway.)</p>

    <p>As young photographers and artists, too often we are willing to bend over backwards to shoot, to be published and to shoot for our "friends" only to discover that we don't have the means to put food on our plates and those "friends" are long gone. Of course everyone has to start somewhere and build a portfolio but there is a difference between a student and professional.</p>

    <p>Thanks for all your support and insight into this topic.</p><div>00W96T-233889684.thumb.jpg.7d9f805f8c7849b5b83483fdc0d0ab53.jpg</div>

  19. <p>Searching for an online viewing/shopping gallery that works best for me. I'll be shooting weddings, events and etc. And would also love to showcase some general images for purchase. Ideally to customize it to match the rest of my website (still to be built).<br>

    What experiences have you had with smugmug, pictage, and others? I'll of course be doing my own research AND would love some suggestions.</p>

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