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Image Comments posted by sid747



    Thanks for commenting Yannis, Ruud, Mike, Stephanie and Donna.

    You're right Mike, if she saw me taking her photo, I might have gotten the next ticket.

    Stephanie, I see what you are talking about. She wanders around, probably a little bored, and jumps at an opportunity like this.

    Donna, I haven't been out taking photo's for a while - a rough winter. I've been going through my archives and found this one. Summer is coming though.

    Potosi Lady


    There are a lot of things that make this an excellent photo. The pattern on the window frame, the bars on the window, the position go the woman, her clothes, and even the angled sidewalk.


    Your composition and colors are the final touch.





    Thanks Pnina. I usually don't explain photos unless asked, leaves more to the imagination. I mainly wanted to make it known that it

    wasn't posed.


    Doug, I was walking down Michigan Avenue when I saw her turn and stop to adjust her shoe. I had a 15 mm lens on my camera, and

    quickly took a couple of photos hoping for a good one. I was a little farther from her that I would have liked, and I did get more of the

    scene in the original as Fred indicated he would like to see. I chose this crop because I wanted the focus to be on her, not what is going

    on around her.


    Thanks Sergio for your comment. When I saw her, I knew I had an opportunity that I didn't want to miss, however, it took some photoshopping to get the effect I wanted.


    Saad, you are correct, I shot this in a hurry, I didn't want to miss the photo. Thanks for your review.


    Louis, thanks. The background is about as important as the main subject, I don't like clutter.


    Thanks Michael, I agree, blur does give it a sense of motion, good or bad.


    Tim, thanks for your in depth review and analogies - you are very perceptive and have a story telling approach to your review.


    Mark, a simple act as you say. So correct, so many of them, and usually it's a matter of being in the right place at the right time, as most

    street photographers know. Thanks for your review.


    Fred, thanks for all of your comments. I know you would like to see more of the scene, and you have a valid point. That, however, is not

    usually my approach. When I edit my photos, I seem to drift toward a closer crop. Good or bad, that's just me. I appreciate you viewpoint,

    you made me think about that the total scene approach quite a bit.


    Lannie, you seem to have a skill to read a lot into a photo, a good skill to have when providing a review. A picture tells a thousand words,

    so they say.


    Les, as you said, life is ten million moments, that is what I like about street photography, catching a few of the good ones.


    Thanks Mark, you are correct, a moments hesitation would have lost the photo. I can't count how many times that happened.


    Anders, thanks for your review. I see from your portfolio that you have a eye for patterns and geometry, as you commented on in your first

    first paragraph.


    Donna, as I indicated before, I always enjoy reading your comments. You don't hold anything back, you say it as it is. You are correct, the

    patterns are an important part of the photo. Just where she happened to stop. If the background was cluttered, I would probably still taken

    the photo, but probably not posted it.



    Thanks everyone for all of your comments. Very interesting reading, including the philosophical comments about womanhood. I just realized today that this photo was selected as the POW, and I thank the elves for their selection.

    For the record, this photo was not posed or staged - there were some comments regarding that possibility. This woman was entering a store on Michigan Avenue (The Magnificent Mile) in downtown Chicago, when she stopped to adjust her shoe. I have a couple more photos of her taken during her shoe adjustment, and may post another one.

    Thanks again. Sid.



    You captured a side of him that most would not see. There are probably many conventional photos of him taken by others, and you did a good job of displaying a somber mood that seems to tell a story. Sorry about the loss of your friend. 

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