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Posts posted by kerrystratton

  1. <p>I am an enthusiast who has had a fascination with photography since I was a kid. I never really did anything with this “fascination”. I was just fascinated. I have owned many different cameras over the years, mostly easy to use film. I purchased a decent film slr and a couple of lenses but did not take many pictures with it. I didn’t take the time to understand the camera or the processes of taking pictures. Some of this was due to the fact film cost money. I did venture out of auto mode and even managed a couple of decent shots. Along came digital and I purchased a dslr. This is when the doors opened for me. I now had the ability to shot as many shots as I wanted, load them into a computer, review and “develop” my pictures, see what worked and what didn’t without spending a lot of money. This caused me to learn as much as I could about photography. I now have a decent understand of exposure, composition, depth of field, and more about photography. During my learning about photography I have also learned to appreciate art in its many forms and to some extent the artists that create it. Digital photography has opened up a whole new world for me beyond simply taking pictures.<br>

    I likely always will be an enthusiast, amateur. My journey to understand photography has also opened my eyes to what I believe it is to be a professional photographer. I have a new found respect for those of you who are the pros. I do not possess the dedication or the necessary skills to be a professional photographer and I don’t have the talent needed to be a pro.<br>

    I love photography and digital has allowed me to enjoy it to a level that film could never have. A hobbyist’s point of view.</p>

  2. <p>Because of the total collaspe of the salmon/steelhead fisheries in the Skagit River many of the local fishing guides now do eagle watching/nature trips on the river using anything from rafts to drift boats to jet powered river sleds. Most will book trips during the week. Check out some area fishing guides.</p>
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