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Posts posted by jim_rogers5

  1. <p>I shot a roll of Efke R25 though my Zeiss Super Ikonta 531A.We had a Lot of snow the last two days and went out to snap some shots and try out the efke.The infinity focus seem off just a bit on the Zeiss.<img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5245/5291366245_f876272741_m.jpg" alt="" width="182" height="240" /><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5128/5291366263_1b276630be_m.jpg" alt="" width="177" height="240" /></p>
  2. <p>I discovered after several minutes that I had to pull the winding knob up about a 1/2 inch to disengage the gears.It then allowed it to be rewound freely.I pushed and pulled on every thing before I discovered it.Again THANK YOU for the time you took to translate the guide and manual.</p>
  3. <p>Than you for translating the guide Ernest.I am just getting the hang of using the Weltix,something I have not seen before in double expose control.I have to push a button down on the top of the camera[between shutter and film advance knob]before I can wind the film,also need film in camera for it to work.It has a Cassar 50mm f2.9 lens in a Compur shutter.For seventy years old speeds seem right on,even the slower ones.I almost forgot the view finder has a lever that when moved it pops up about a 1/4 inch,for parallax correction I guess.High teck for back then.Again thanks,if you find any thing strange in the manual post it here.</p>
  4. <p>I bought a Welta Wiltix a year ago online and finely got it out yesterday to run some film from it.I am not writing about the camera though,it came in the original box and had the user manual and a strange chart type with it in the box.I do not read German but I can tell some of it is about months,like certain months have different light readings.I have never heard of that before,Anyway if anyone can read it I will post it here. <br>

    <img src="Weltix on Flickr - Photo Sharing!" alt="" /></p><div>00WJ0Z-238615584.jpg.bd1df2a38630daf162be75f3f1848420.jpg</div>

  5. <p>I use a non hardener fixer and want to try Efke film that calls for a hardener.I have a bottle of Kodak rapid fix part B,and wonder if anyone could help me on how to dilute this for use?I use Photographers Formulary TF4.Is there a way to use it as a stop bath as I use water now?</p>
  6. <p><strong>A voigtlander VitoIIa just went for $219.I happen to have one and it is my favorite carry around camera,but I have $100 in it and that is after a CLR at my local camera shop.Fits nicely in your pocket and the color skopar lens is great,but not at that price.<br /> </strong></p>
  7. <p>Thanks for all the replys.Since my first post and after the helpfull advice here I have a TN3 on it's way to my house.I will run a roll of film through it on manual to see if it needs to go in for a CLA. Can anyone tell me what the best battery replacement would be? Anyone use the MR-9 adapter?Since you need two it is a little costly,does it really work/and last?</p>
  8. <p>Reading this I dusted off my Moscow2 and it has screw in filters.I got two off the "Bay" last year from a seller by the name of mvloon,he is out of the Netherlands and I have bought from him many times.You could email him to see if he could help.</p>

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