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Posts posted by aaaaaaaaa

  1. <p>It looks like for the time being I can hang a softbox from the ceiling beams (the setup will be in my garage), so I was thinking of a <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/140665-REG/Photoflex_FV_SD2M_SilverDome_NXT_Softbox_.html">Photoflex Silverdome NXT Softbox - 24x32"</a> and a <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=13778&is=REG#reviews">Chimera speed ring</a> . Is this all I need? I'm also thinking of substituting foamcore for reflectors since I'm not sure exactly how I would get the reflectors to stand up. Thanks for all the help!</p>
  2. <p>I don't have any convenient north facing windows, so I'll stick with the softbox for now. I think the widest pieces I'll be shooting are about 1.5'x1.5' so would a 24"x36" softbox be enough? and when you say a white reflector in the front, would that be positioned below the camera, angled slightly up?</p>
  3. <p>Hi, I need to take some pottery photos with graduated backgrounds, but I'm not sure how I should do it. I have a SB-600 and a white background but I'm looking into getting a softbox and white to dark grey graduated backdrop, but I want to keep the cost low. I realize I would need a stand and softbox, but what other pieces are needed? And is there any cheap equipment that is good ($100 or less per piece)? The largest piece I'll be shooting is about 2' x 8", maybe a little shorter. Thanks!</p>
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