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Image Comments posted by tommiller

    Manhattan head


    I like it!  (I think this might be the same head I shot two weeks ago.)  The adjacent image in the folder, "lines and curves" looks like something I saw in Central Park a year ago - I shot it, but didn't come up with anything as good as yours.  New York is such a visually fascinating place.

    Regards, Tom



    F_Zoom Bus


    I like the colors, composition, and "special effect".  It has a dreamlike quality that it might lose if the colors were more vibrant. Did it take a lot of trial and error to get the zooming to work out so well?

    Regards, Tom

  1. I find this image appealing, and I don't think it's either too light or too dark.  I'm wondering, though, whether the composition might have been improved if it had been shot from a lower angle, or closer to the tree, so the tree would go higher into the upper half of the frame.

    Regards, Tom




  2. Well done!  Coming from a wooded part of the world, I get an anxious feeling from places that are this wide open - as if I might need a place to hide and wouldn't find any.  Somehow, the sky tones and the policeman bring that out even more.

    Regards, Tom




    Interesting lighting and composition, but I especially like all the questions it asks.  Why is he sitting in an attic looking off into space? Is he about to pull some paper out of a desk drawer and write down some poetry that just came into his mind?

    Regards, Tom 

    Working 8...


    Good shot, Ruud! I had the same first impression as Museeb - he's too slender.  Then I thought, "Maybe they're all new carts without bent wheels" - Even so, that's a load.

    Regards, Tom




    Thanks, Michael.  I had no idea what breed it was.  I've had a series of golden retrievers over the decades (including one so long ago that people asked, "What's that? it looks like an Irish setter, but it's not skinny enough").  These days I'm happy to enjoy other people's dogs and other people's children, but not share my house with either dogs or children. (Cats are another matter - much lower maintenance.)

    Regards, Tom




    I agree with everything Jan said, but I don't think it's all bad that his brow is furrowed and his eyes are hard to see - it gives him a sort of thoughtful look, and makes it look like a real-world portrait of a busy man, not a formal shot that took an hour to set up.

    Regards, Tom




    I like it.  I agree that it might be nice if the sky had more detail, but it looks to me like it had very little detail to bring out - I don't think it's washed out from overexposure. I like the interesting shape of the branch in the upper left. If possible, it might have been even better to have more of that branch beside the dome, and less of it in front of the dome, but there might not have been any place you could have shot from that would have accomplished that without something else getting more in the way.

    Nice work!

    Regards, Tom


  3. Well done!  I tried to shoot the memorial myself several times back in the 60's when I lived within a block of it and shot news and sports for the Cornell Daily Sun.  I know what a tough lighting challenge it was before HDR.

    Regards, Tom




    I like this image.  The composition, the colors, textures, the DOF, the pose, the facial expression - they all work.  Even the highlight in the upper left seems to direct my eye toward her face, rather than toward itself.

    Regards, Tom

  4. I think it's great, too, and the converging verticals don't bother me.  A photo doesn't have to look like an engineering drawing.  Anyhow, if you tried to make the verticals parallel in post-processing wouldn't you either lose the upper corners of the image, or have to let the canvas be keystone-shaped?

    Regards, Tom




    I agree that I'd rather see more depth of field. It doesn't have to be sharp all the way from front to back, but maybe about twice as deep as it is.  I like the composition, and the colors, too.  The lighting looks OK,  but I'm thinking that slightly brighter highlights might give it even more impact.

    Regards, Tom




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