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Posts posted by ibay

  1. <blockquote>

    <p> I never went the Leica route because I just can't get my head around the rangefinder thing.</p>


    <p>Try it. It may pleasantly surprise you and that is what I found. I never used my Bronica (medium format) for street photography and guess I have to try it. I may discover something I have missed!</p>


  2. <p>Most of time I use Leica M2 (with mostly 35mm):<br>

    All mechanical, which is not bothered too much by harsh elements. Small and quite. Always wrapped in my wrist.<br>

    I also use Nikon F100 (with mostly 35mm) for night shots (faster focusing) and where fast film changing is necessary. Heavier but versatile. <br>

    My backup is Rollei 35. Very compact and good lens.<br>

    I think any small cameras with moderate wide angle lens will do a good job for the street photography. dSLR with zoom lens is too bulky for me.</p>

  3. <p>In my street photography, I would like to capture: candidness, emotions, story, and moments. I have taken many photos, yet they have similar look (composition, contents etc). This photo is not necessarily better than others I have, however, it stands out in terms of capturing moments. I also have to admit that good pictures always involve ‘good luck’. I am chasing it with my camera.<br>

    <img src="http://www.insoobay.com/photos/i-ct4wp97/0/L/i-ct4wp97-L.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="572" /></p>


  4. <p>I was visiting to Venice beach, California and taking some interesting shots as usual. I was passing by a fashionable black guy who dyed his hair blonde, and clicked the shutter. He was noticed and demanded some money for the shot. I think he may be some kind a street performer or something and did not hesitate asking few dollars. By the way, he was not offensive at all and even threw some jokes. I decided to take one more shot (this photo) without saying anything before I *donated* some bucks. He sighed, grabbed the money, walked way.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://www.insoobay.com/photos/i-Jsd7pRJ/0/L/i-Jsd7pRJ-L.jpg" alt="" width="365" height="600" /></p>
  5. <p>If Leica is going to be your first rangefinder camera, then would suggest to get familiar with the rangefinder system. Rangefinder is quite different from let say "SLR", you may/may not like it. If you would like to get hang of it, then, try M2/M3/M4. I know they are film cameras, but offer essentially same operation. If you happen to like it and move to digital. Sell the film body and keep the lens. M9 will give you the same field of view. BTW, I do not believe film M is poor man's M9. They have just different image capture media.</p>
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