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Posts posted by hassy501

  1. ALWAYS get payment FIRST prior to doing any work, orders or albums. Just make that your policy and you won't have to deal with issues like this.


    You obviously made a mistake and should fix it. Once the new album is complete to the brides specs, have her bring back the first album, have her inspect and sign off on the new album, get your payment and be done with it.


    Use the original album as a sample that you can leave with a hotel or country club for your marketing purposes.

  2. Go to some local weddings and watch the photogs.....sit in the back of the church or wherever and observe........for starters......if you have the technical skills, the rest is all a matter of developing your people skills, shooting style skills and images delivery skills.........it all depends on what "style" you want to produce and deliver.........for every 100 photogs, there are 100 different styles........
  3. Don't the resorts require brides to use ONLY their house photographer if you book with the hotel ? Any outside photographers are not allowed to photograph on any resort property including the sidewalks out front ?


    I'm sure there are still traditional weddings that occur but for the ones on the resorts and hotels, is it limited to house photographers only ?

  4. Your business model will dictate how many images you deliver. If you deliver QUALITY, it won't matter how many you deliver.......inherently there will be more images because we are now capturing MORE stages of the day........whereas as in the past years of medium format, every shot was carefully scripted.....and images of brides and grooms getting ready were not standard, as well as so many candids during the day that we just didn't do with medium format.


    Since we aren't paying for each capture (except in our post process time, but that's another beast), our mentality is to shoot whatever we want to shoot and if it works, then great, if not, then just delete it.


    Also, some photographers sell the fact that they DELIVER "1200" images.............brides see that and their eyes light up...........they may be average images, but in the brides mind, 1200 images is an awesome deal...........she's expecting every single image to be a wowwer !


    Marketing is so important in what you want to sell......develop your own style, sell your own style and you will have your own market.


    You probably have the classic posing skills and experience in place and that is something most new age photographers just don't have................the "money shot" skills...........and combine that with the PJ skills and you have a winning overall coverage.

  5. If giving the RAW images is NOT in your contract, you are under no obligation to GIVE them and your client cannot use that as an excuse NOT to pay you......that's just plain ridiculous.


    I NEVER give the raw files........i provide edited hi res jpeg files.........never raw.........


    Do what you are contractually bound to do........and don't let this client pressure you to do what he wants........


    Saying he won't pay the balance until you provide the RAW files is black mail..............


    And, in the future, make sure you get fully paid 30 days prior to the event.........that's a standard industry practice, and it will prevent situations like this in the future.

  6. A lot of new aspiring wedding photographers do not really know what they are getting into.......they think that it will be a simple, shoot it and forget it type of profession.........it can be, it all depends on what type of business model they set up.


    Many also think that they can run an under the table business very easily and not pay any taxes and make all profit. Those are the ones who bring this profession down. I know many who run their (business), it's not really a business, that way.


    For the truly dedicated, they understand the hard work and dedication it takes to be successful.

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