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Image Comments posted by rlausch

    Tiffany 5

    Yea I thought the tilt added a little something to it, thanks guys. And for the comment about the background, thank you, I will try remembering it for the future.

    Tiffany 1

    I see, well thank you for the comment, and I really do like the way you edited it. I will have to work more with the original before I give it to her. And yes that smile is indeed infectious.

    Tiffany 7


    A friend asked me to take some senior pictures for her daughter, as

    you can see I did and was just wanting some feedback on how I did. Be

    brutally honest if need be, thanks!


    *I over exposed this by accident but liked the way it looked so kept it.*

    Tiffany 1


    A friend asked me to take some senior pictures for her daughter, as

    you can see I did and was just wanting some feedback on how I did. Be

    brutally honest if need be, thanks!

    Tiffany 2


    A friend asked me to take some senior pictures for her daughter, as

    you can see I did and was just wanting some feedback on how I did. Be

    brutally honest if need be, thanks!

    Tiffany 5


    A friend recently asked me to take her daughters senior pictures, as

    you can see I did and I just want some feedback on how I did. Be

    brutally honest if need be. Thanks!



    A buddy of mine and I were walking the streets of Vicenza, Italy

    taking pictures and I caught a waitress clearing a table. I cropped it

    down to just her upper body as you can see.

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