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Renee Shipley

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Image Comments posted by Renee Shipley



    I didn't expect to like the B&W version of this as much as I do.  Usually I do prefer a B&W photo over its color counterpart.  In this case, both have their merits.  I love that you can see the sunlight among the foliage here, and sparkling off the water (especially in the larger image).   This sort of portrait almost demands to be done in color, and really you expect it because color is what strikes us first in nature.  But in this image, you can see its color without it being present.  That is a feat!  Well done.








    Thank you for your comments and feedback!  I'm surprised by the unanimous vote to nix the vignetting.  I feel the need to do that to a lot of my images, as though without it the image would be somehow unfinished or not as pleasing - I'll work on that, as clearly the opposite is the case!


    I will take a second trip back to this scene, at a different time of day, especially since it is close to home.  This is such a unique area.  It's not easily seen in this image, but the two levels of falls actually face different directions and there's a lot of loose rock in the foreground where I was standing.  I wonder if I can get above this and shoot into it to capture the gorge that has been cut, to give a depth to the scene.


    Thanks again for taking the time to look and comment.  I do so appreciate all the feedback!



    Hello. This is Cole Run in the Laurel Highlands area of Western

    Pennsylvania. I just found out about this little waterfall being

    pretty close to where I live. How could I make this image better, or

    better yet, different from all the other waterfall photos out there?






    I really like how you captured the fog here - it enhances the loneliness I imagine being felt by the solitary figure among the grove of trees.  Very nice shot.

    DSC_8110 2


    I know the selective color trend is not a favorite of everyone. ..but in this case, I felt it appropriate.

    This little girl is a miracle for these young parents, as she was misdiagnosed in the womb as

    having multiple afflictions such that the parents were advised to consider termination of the

    pregnancy. Today this little girl is happy and healthy, and brings joy to all who meet her. When I

    saw I captured this scene with her hand reaching into the pumpkin bowl, I knew I had to edit this

    way. I hope you enjoy.



    I love the perspective here. I can see all the way down the sidewalk on the right but my eye stops in the center with the waiter.  A very real scene - well done.

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