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Image Comments posted by stan_walsh





    I really like the angles of this photo, keep going with this type of shot. The exposure is pretty close, youve captured the grain in almost all the wood, but it looks to me like there could be a little more detail in the lightest and darkest areas.


    All in all, a great shot.




  1. Joe,


    This is a great shot! I wonder if the skier would pop out more if he was just down slope so as not to blend in with the cliff in the back drop. maybe, maybe not. I think the next time I try for a tele shot like this I will shoot in continuous motor drive. This photo really makes me want to both get out skiing and get out shooting.







    It's a cute photo and maybe one that your coworkers would really enjoy on a calender, but I think you have a number of photos that are better. Still I would say if you like it, enter it.



  2. I like the use of vertical format with this scene as well as putting the horizon low, it gives a sense of vastness. The rain filled track in the field is something Im seeing a lot here in the Skagit Valley and I hope to get out and shoot a series of track photos. It might really add to the photo if the rain filled tracks where lined up leading to the horizon.


    I would be happy if this was my photo!






    While I am sure this is a technically fine shot, as someone who comes to this site to learn or be inspired or entertained, this photo doesnt really help.


    Thanks, Stan




    First of all, thanks to Ryan for sharing this photo. I think that it is a good attempt at capturing something unique. For me however, the background is the photo and I find the lilies distracting, Id love to see this photo from an angle that does not include the lilies. I think it would have been very striking.

    Thanks, Stan


  3. These are colors we don't usually see in Grand Canyon photos and they capture a wonderful mood. I really like the foreground silhouette of the canyon walls, using shape rather than color to depict the canyon. I have done three backpack trips to the canyon and this photo immediately took me there. Wonderful!
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