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Everything posted by joe_lee10

  1. <p>Yes, may be I've gone too far with this, in the reality I only heard of one pro said he was troubled by the 'dust magnet' sensor. Regarding the fragile shutter curtain, I remember I had an old school cheap film camera which the vertical shutter jammed, I had to use my finger to fix it, but if I do this to any digital camera I will surely damage the sensor as well ! The truth is, I hardly need to clean the sensor but the mirror and prism/screen on my DSLR, and if my 'simple tweak' can be done I wonder why not, it is also useful for 'sun protection' someone mentioned earlier.</p>
  2. Thanks for the comment, I believe there is some sort of coating on the sensor to reduce static build up so dust won't stick, but the camera body is much thinner than a regular DSLR, that means you could touch the exposed sensor when changing lens in a hurry, and I've actually seen a demo unit with finger smudge on the sensor, may be this is too much of worry !
  3. <p>Hi there,<br> I am from the 'film era' and start shooting with DSLR in recent years, I have no interest in mirrorless due to two things, one is the unnatural viewing of the EVF, and the other is the unprotected sensor. The first block has just gone with the invention of super high resolution EVF, but the sensor still remain unprotected. Since I do not actually own a mirrorless (lens changeable) I am not sure how exactly it works, AFAIK the shutter curtain must stay open for live view, so to save battery power the shutter was designed 'normal open', but there should be a way to make it closed when changing lens. For example, a simple software to detect the electrical contact with the lens, when the lens is turned and the contact lost the shutter will close, changing lens only take few seconds so will not drain much battery power, and this can be overridden when needed, such as when cleaning the sensor. I don't know if this 'simple tweak' that can apply to any mirrorless can be done, and this will only work with focal plane shutter, but I don't see any lens changeable mirrorless uses leaf shutter, I could be wrong, comment ?</p>
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