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Everything posted by brucebloy

  1. A very nice mix of light and dark, soft and hard textured, strong and subdued colors. Very nice indeed. -- Bruce
  2. brucebloy


    Wrangell, AK
  3. I can almost feel the water flowing. Wonderful texture. -- Kudos, Bruce
  4. brucebloy

    Desert Crabtree

    Bryce Canyon, NP
  5. brucebloy

    Trekking to Annapurna

    Approaching Deurali, Nepal
  6. brucebloy


    Hoover Dam
  7. brucebloy


    Umpqua Lighthouse, Oregon
  8. brucebloy

    Back Bear

    Derek -- I'm assuming many of the animal shots are taken at a zoo. If so you manage to evade the various obstructions that routinely hamper me when try to get a clear shot. Kudos. Which zoo?
  9. Northern Arizona
  10. brucebloy

    Verdant Valley

    Thanks again Larry. Yes, they are faintly visible but I doubt that one would see them if one's not looking. I can't figure out where they're coming from. I took this image on my cellphone which is very unusual. It is in the original .jpg (still don't shoot raw on the phone). I haven't seen it in other phone images. It reminds me of scans of printed pages sometimes show bleed through from the reverse side.
  11. brucebloy

    Verdant Valley

    This is a repost of an earlier image that was seriously flawed. Thanks to Larry for pointing out the deficiencies.
  12. brucebloy

    Verdant Valley

    Salkantay Trail, Peru
  13. brucebloy


    Larry -- Thank you for the comment. The day we were there it was 105 deg. in the shade and it was only early May. Death Valley has lots of different "faces" and it's hard to capture them all. An earlier image that I've posted of Zabriskie Pt. was another attempt.
  14. brucebloy


    Entering Death Valley
  15. brucebloy


    Icetreking on the Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, AK
  16. brucebloy

    Red Squirrel

    Really like this one with the backlight with the texture of the snow. Bien.
  17. brucebloy

    Fading Light

    The day slips away in the Tetons ....
  18. brucebloy


    This is a wonderful photo but I find that the stark white border overwhelms your image. Otherwise -- Kudos ---- Bruce
  19. Chisos Basin, Big Bend, NP
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