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Posts posted by tomscott

  1. I picked up a T70 on ebay, for a spare. Upon receiving it this morning, I checked everything over and all seemed to

    function properly except that it had a broken battery door. I had a parts camera with a good battery door so I did a

    google search and found instructions, and proceeded to replace the battery door. Seemed simple enough. Now the

    camera wont power up at all, dead. I don't know of or see anything in the bottom cover that would cause this, but ?


    Any Ideas?

  2. Has anybody compared the FDn 35-105 f/3.5 to the FDn 35-105 f/3.5-4.5. How much difference is there optically

    between the two. Also is there much physical difference other than one touch and two touch design?

  3. Ok, now you're just trying to confuse me, what is circle of confusion (sounds like some sort of govt. operation)? I thought you were joking until I looked at that online DoF calculator.
  4. This is undoubtebly what he meant, I didn't think he was just using a random number, even though that is the way it

    seems. Thank you very much and I will check out the link you gave, however I can't get it to load right now. Will try

    again later. Thank you for clearing that up.


  5. In Peterson's Understanding Exposure he writes that "when photographing a scene like this (pg.39) I know I need to

    use great depth of field to achieve sharpness throughout.... I set my aperture at f/22 for maximum depth of field and

    preset my focus so that the distance of two feet is aligned directly above the center mark...".

    I understand in theory what he is saying but can anyone explain why 2 ft?

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