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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by zamazal

  1. What a beauty! If looking at a landscape photo makes one to desire being at the place then it's a good photo.
  2. zamazal

    White-Throated Dipper

    Excellent picture. I like that bird and looking at this photo is joyful.
  3. And my browser doesn't store the login name and password for photo.net so I have to fill them in each time I want to log in.
  4. Thumbnails are definitely significantly improved, it's no longer necessary to click on a photo to find out what's in it. Another factor might be that one thinks more carefully before clicking on a photo: going back is slow and doesn't return to the same place (both are regressions from v1) and the obvious workaround to open photos in new tabs is also not optimal.
  5. Another important web browser add-on for photo.net is Greasemonkey. The following snippet swaps photos of the day / week / editor's pick with the article grid on the front page. So you can see, together with disabling wasteful elements as suggested above, photo of the day etc. at the top of the page, without scrolling. It's not perfect, but still much better than the original. var container = document.getElementById('wrapper-fullwindow'); var articles = document.evaluate("//div[@class=grid]", container, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; var photos = document.evaluate("//div[@class=bg-white]", container, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; articles.parentNode.insertBefore(photos, articles);
  6. Stylish allows setting for a given site or URL, e.g. in Firefox: @-moz-document domain("photo.net") { * { font-family: "serif" !important; } } It can be used also for other transformations here, e.g. the following disables some of the useless wasteful photo.net elements: @-moz-document domain("photo.net") { #container-photographer-cover, #cover-potd, #navstop-discover, #navstop-develop, #navstop-discuss, .h2-teasers, .p-teasers, #photo-zoom-button-container, #photo-zoom-details-container, li.container-photo, h2.marg-top { display: none; } }
  7. I believe you can override the font using Stylish or other web browser add-on.
  8. zamazal

    Single Crocus

    Well done. Beautiful spring photo.
  9. Yes, this is what I'm talking about. The problem is that the navigation buttons, author's name, title, etc. may, depending on the ratio of the photo, cross the photo area. That is unpleasant. BTW, is there a way to enter and escape the lightbox with a keyboard?
  10. Another thing: The possibility to display a photo without most of the surrounding content and downsized to the browser window size is a great feature that I missed at the old site. However the remaining surrounding content can be rendered over the photo, which makes the feature much less useful. The wasteful banners and labels everywhere are really annoying. Maybe they can help to attract new users (they would repel me, but they may work differently on others), but I fail to understand how should they help regular users of the site. Would it be possible to add a subscriber benefit to not waste space with those gadgets? I think one can fix a lot himself with userstyles and userscripts, but it would be nice if photo.net could provide a nice layout out of the box. :)
  11. <p>Taking a well focused picture with K-5 is not that easy, unless one uses a manual focus lens on a static subject. K-5 is a great camera, except for autofocus accuracy, it's even "capable" of occasionally misfocusing a static object under good light.</p>
  12. zamazal

    On frozen shores!

    Beautiful. Nice textures, colors, composition. Simple picture well done, I like it.
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