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Posts posted by dan_sabin

  1. I have an XTI which I've owned for well over a year now. In one of my shots at f/32 I had notice some spots on the image, and there were quite a few. After checking around it turned out my sensor was dirty. I couldn't see anything under light with naked eye. I borrowed a friends sensor illuminator ( a magnifying glass with a little led light) and then was able to see extremely small particles (dust, or whatever) on the sensor. I went to a site called copperhillimages.com (friends advice). They have a wealth of information on how to clean a sensor and a test screen to shoot that will show you how dirty your sensor is. So, I called them, and explained my circumstances and they reccomended what I should order. It sat on my desk for at least 3 months, mainly because I was afraid to do the job. Anyway, I knew I nedded to do it so I read their tutorial (followed them to the T) and did it yestderday (shaking a little I will admit) and the results were phenominal. I wiped it horizonally first and vertically after that. Someone mentioned streaks and that can be attributed to to much cleaning solution or cusing it too quickly after applying the solution to the pad. My test screen afterwards was spotless. As far as the auto-cleaning sensor....I believe it works. I have a friend with a camera that doesn't have the auto-cleaning sensor and he told me when he first cleaned his sensor he saw dirt or film on the cleaning swab. I"ll use this comparison...If you take your truck and go driving in the mud and come home and wash it down with a hose it's much cleaner (auto-cleaning sensor), most of the big stuff is gone but it won't be as clean as if you hosed it down and then get out the bucket, soapy water and a rag and actually wipe the surface with the rag. Auto-cleaning helps a lot and is a great thing in between manual cleanings. Good luck...


  2. John,

    I hate to be the first one to say this but here I go. I know how important family photos can be but sometimes the fun of just enjoying the family can outweigh any photo you can take. Early in my life I had a crappy camera, actually many crappy cameras but when we look at those old photos we don't necessarily care about the quality of the photo, we do care about the quality of the memory which the photo sparks in our mind. I would say get a quality point and shoot put it in your pocket and hold your family instead of a lot of gear. You'll have plenty of time to take quality shots when you get home....Just an option. What ever you decide I wish you a great time...




  3. I really appreciate the responses. Thanks for taking the time to do so. I do feel a little more comfortable about the issue. I mostly didn't want to do some blatenly wrong or unethical. I understand as with most laws of this nature there are gray areas. I will check out the references suggested as well. Again, thank you all...
  4. Can I sell photos from my website of people taken under the following circumstances:

    1. Photos taken of individuals in a parade.

    2. Photos of kids (individuals and groups) in a Pop Warner footbal game.

    3. Kids playing at a public park event.

    4. Spectators watching a public event (parade or pop warner football game)

    5. Interesting individuals in public places.

    Some photos were taken with their knowledge. Some people for sure knew I was taking their photo. If any are in gray

    areas I would rather not try to sell them. I'm a little new to this and have read some articles concerning the legality of

    this but I was left confused (semi-normal state :)

    Thanks for your time....

  5. Thank you so so much for that comparison....Nicely done. That's exactly what I was looking for. Hope to see more like that. Will you do some more at different ISO's? I'm toying between the 50D and the 5D. I know your comparing a Full framed to a smaller sensor but this is a good form of comparison. Again, thanks...
  6. I'm kind of in the same boat....I think the 5DMKII may be a little steep pricewise for me. Not to say I won't do it but I tried a 5D the other day just for some general comparisons and must say I was impressed with the images compared to my XTI, probable no suprise there. It produced images with much less noise, at least visually. Comparing the full frame to an S size chip also introduces many other factors relating to lenses. Right now I'm torn between a 5D, 5DmkII and the 50D. I like to do some HDRs and panoramas and shoot raw so I'm a little concerned with file size as well. The mkII has introduced smaller raw saving options but if you do that what's the point? I also wonder if the new digic4 on the 50D reduces noise to below 5D levels and the improved overlapping microlensing on the 50D makes the images equal to or better than the 5D. The 5D is a nice camera and the one in my price range that I would consider for comparison. Until I see images side by side shot with same lens, and hopefully someone will do that, I'm going to hold tight. Specs are important but I need to see because to me that is the bottom line. It's at the point where the camera capabilities exceed what we see on screen, and meeting the limitiations of the lenses we use as well, printing is another story. All that being said, being a serious amateur, it sure is a great time to be enjoying the technology...which is moving faster than my skills are. So why I wait I try to improve my skills. So it's not too early to ask the question, it's just too early to answer it....
  7. I'd rather see the camera priced lower without the video feature. Seems the feature adds to cost and complexity to some degree. Honestly,if I wanted to shoot video I'd buy a video camera.Does it come with a microphone for sound as well? Now that I've said that it probably does, or will on the next model. Then again look how cell phones have evolved. Heaven help me, it takes me enough time to learn and use all the camera functions and their consequences to their full extent, although it does get easier with time.
  8. Thank you all for your information and perspectives. I'll be sleeping on this now reviewing my options. I enjoy the decision making process because I'm learning. Just wanted to add that it's a testiment to the quality of the 5D since it is still discussed and compared. All the discussed camreas meet a certain need, whether financial, photographic or both. Looking forward to some photos and data.....and sometime in the near future a new camera. Thanks folks!
  9. Neal...I agree , I'm used to having that 640mm equivilant, that's one of the reasons I'm leaning to the 50D. I know the 5D produces very good image quality but I'm hoping the the digic 4 processor and micro lensing in the 50D equals or surpasses the 5D in image quality and noise. Keep in mind I'm comaparing this to my XTI...
  10. I was thinking along those same lines and I do tend to shoot long., especially in forests where these birds are extremely skittish and small. I sometimes wish I was a little wider wider than 17mm especiallty in tight forest conditions, that's where I think the 10-22 would come in handy. I think the higher iso will help as well in canopied forests. Please keep commenting.

    Thanks Ryan and Neil...

  11. I typically go by myself. It's hard to find someone willing to wait around while I take photos. I do however take some safety precautions to minimize risk.


    2. Flares (I carry 3, the boating type)

    3. Thermal blanket

    4. Mirror

    5. Celox-to stop bleeding

    6. Ace bandages/regular band aid bandages.

    7. Of course-cell phone

    8. 2 litre water

    9, Granola or energy bars.

    10. a little rope

    11. Lighter

    12. A combo crank flashlight radio

    I think the the pepper spray might be helpful if it's handy...I've encountered boars, feral bulls/cows but nothing else. I must admit I've sometimes thought of packing...Oh, another experienced hiker I know swears by carrying duct tape. I think it may be a worthwhile addition. It's a lot of additional weight but if I have to use any one of those items just once it will have been worth it. One other note....Always let someone know the general area to plan to hike. Always.

  12. I realize these are 2 different animals, but...I'm considering and uprade my XTI for one of these cameras...It may be

    too early to tell without some photo comparisons. I will wait for that. I shoot mostly landscapes and wildlife (birds)

    and nature macros and an occasional event. Current lenses...Tamron 17-50Di-2, Canon 100 Macro and Canon 100-

    400. I know the Di-2 won't be useful on full frame. Wish I could afford the 5d-II but out of the question. I'm honestly

    leaning toward the 50D as the small sensor helps on the 100-400. I think I would add a 10-22 if I go with the 50D.

    Would appreciate your comments,thoughts and a lid for this can of worms I just opened. Also, what's a reasonable

    price to ask for a used Xti body...excellent condition about 6,000 clicks?

    Thanks folks..

  13. I know this has been brought up in the past but with market changing every month I need some current advice.

    I'm in the market for a 24" lcd under $600 ( less is even better of course) for my photo editing. As I get older

    my eyes are working harder so I'd like to upgrade from my standard Dell 19". So...I've been looking and haven't

    really come to a conclusion as to which monitor would be best, I know this may be a little subjective but some

    have to be better than others.. Iv'e been looking at BenQ, Dell 2408WFP, NEC,Samsung for starters. Some articles

    say TFT LCDs may not be best for phot editing although I'm sure many are used as most lcd's are TFT. Maybe I

    should be asking what should I avoid? Here we go....


  14. Hi all, I've been trying to shoot some red and orange flowers under overcast

    conditions hoping that this uniform light would help pop some detail in the flowers.

    I have my picture style set to "neutral" (Canon XTI) but these two colors in

    particular always seem blown out and I'm losing detail. Am I missing something

    obvious? Is there something I can do to eliminate this blown out condition?


  15. Hi all,

    I've been trying to shoot some red and orange flowers under overcast conditions

    hoping that this uniform light would help pop some detail in the flowers. I have my

    picture style set to "neutral" but these two colors in particular always seem blown

    out and I'm losing detail. Am I missing something obvious?


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