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adam marksteiner

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Image Comments posted by adam marksteiner

    Grandma Vasa

    It's really a quite beautiful shot, the lighting is perfect the way it accents the edge of her covering, and the first strand of hair and they way it falls across the texture of her face. I feel like the hand is missing something, a bit more light or a little sharper focus, but then that might distract from the everything that's happening on her face and especially in her eyes.
  1. It's a very interesting shot. I feel like the lighting is a bit harsh on the face, and where the shadow of the book falls on her chest, and the way her feet are so dark. But that is also what makes it interesting, so it all depends on what you were going for when you took the picture.

    A Dive

    If that rock were just a little more obscured it would look like he was jumping out of the water like a porpoise. Nice capture.

    Turkyie Bazar

    what a neat place, I feel like it is a bit muted for how much color there is in the place, although maybe bringing the color up would make it just a bit too crazy.



    I really do appreciate critiques, I'm pretty new to photography and

    love getting feedback in order to improve. Opinions are fine, you

    don't need to give a perfect textbook critique. Ratings are pretty

    nice too, although it bugs me when it seems like people just say it's

    a 4 and then give you 4's for both. I mean there are only two

    categories you need to give a score on, so that's kind of lazy don't

    you think?

  2. It must have just been the right millisecond to get the bullet stretching the balloon like that, really great stuff, I can't wait to get back home and be able to do some high speed photos.
  3. That's a great photo, I've been out there twice lately and the falls is just a trickle, although it might not appear quite so small on this long of an exposure. It's really interesting how you get that rainbow band across the middle of the waterfall.



    The church was very dark and smokey so I had to do a lot of post

    processing to this photo but I don't see any major flaws that make it

    seem fakey. Do you? I love comments, especially ones with advice for

    improvement so feel free to leave some.

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