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Posts posted by hans_kerensky

  1. <p>Well,as we say, better late then never :-)<br>

    Do not soak or flush the shutter completely. That will result in old lubricants being partly dissolved, transported by the fluid (naphtha) and deposited somewhere else.<br>

    You could try a partial flush however, just the escapement, and let the flushing fluid run directly out of the shutter. If you are not familiar will these things (opening shutter etc.) then practice first on a similar shutter from a thrashed camera.</p>

  2. <p>The star (asteriks) behind the serial number indicates that your Super Ikonta 531 was produced somewhere between 1945 and 1949 and was produced with one or more parts pre-produced before the end of WW2. Zeiss Ikon had a hard time then getting in production again and sometimes even used Schneider Xenar lenses for their cameras.<br>

    <br />See also : http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Super_Ikonta_531</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Thanks Allan !<br>

    I had to go quite a long way to get it shooting again. Luckily i managed :-)</p>

    <p>No doubt the Yashice-E is an unique camera.<br>

    Very complicated on one side (auto-exposure system) but also very simple on the other (only 1 shutter speed).</p>

    <p>If you know how to handle it (tripod !) descent images can be made and of course it's also a real collectable being that rare.</p>


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  4. <p>Q.G., Alas the Rolleigrip was in that 5 Euro box because it had 1 essential thing missing, the wire release !!<br>

    Without that you can do nothing with it except using it as a cheap Rolleifix source.<br>

    However, full working Rolleigrips turn up at a regular basis on photographica markets and the internet. That one which you see at my Flickr Photostream did cost me € 25,--. It even still was in its original box :-) Bought that one on the anual Doesburg Open Air Photographica Fair.</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>Getting these middle lenses out of a leafshutter occasionaly needs to be done with a lot of force. Usually i take the shutter from the camera before applying such a force.<br>

    Another method is by strongly pushing the middle lens brass tube against a rubber mat and rotating the whole shutter ccw. Again, for this method the shutter has to be taken from the camera.<br>

    <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5300/5502276194_6fcf6ed968_n.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    Another way to clean the rear of the middle lens, and already mentioned before, is to get the rear lens out, set the shutter on B and keep it open with a lockable wire release and use Q-tips to clean the glass.<br />This method also has some dangers. <br />First, the rear element may come loose once you removed its ring and may fall out so it is important to mark the outer side with a piece of low tag tape so you know which side has to be out during re-install.<br />Second, there is allways the danger that the wire release shoots out of the socket thread and so the shutter closes while you are just poking with a Q-tip between the blades. So make sure that this cannot happen. </p>

    <p> </p>

  6. <p>Just recently opened up an Iskra 2 which has the same filmtransportmechanism as the Iskra 1.<br />I doubt that anything easy can be done about the overlapping as the framepositions are fixed in the construction of the 2 sprocketwheels. Only thing that would possibly work is changing the ratio of the gearwheels which is something that calls for a very crafty (and enthusiastic) mechanic.<br>

    A picture of the filmframe sprocketwheels can be seen here :<br>

    <a href=" KMZ Iskra 2 DEP FilmCounter (28)

    <p> </p>

  7. I also obtained an Askania 33 rangefinder. The read distance and the vertical positioning of "ghost"-image where way of.

    Just was curious and opened the rangefinder. I made a photo-set with comments about this action. You can find ith here :


    Askania 33 Rangefinder InsideOut


    In short, the Askania 33 is a low-tech rangefinder but still you can sort of calibrate it. I calibrated mine on a target-distance of 1 meter and after that the infinity seemed also to be alright.

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