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hans_kerensky last won the day on April 21 2014

hans_kerensky had the most liked content!


2 Neutral
  1. <p>Well,as we say, better late then never :-)<br> Do not soak or flush the shutter completely. That will result in old lubricants being partly dissolved, transported by the fluid (naphtha) and deposited somewhere else.<br> You could try a partial flush however, just the escapement, and let the flushing fluid run directly out of the shutter. If you are not familiar will these things (opening shutter etc.) then practice first on a similar shutter from a thrashed camera.</p>
  2. <p>The star (asteriks) behind the serial number indicates that your Super Ikonta 531 was produced somewhere between 1945 and 1949 and was produced with one or more parts pre-produced before the end of WW2. Zeiss Ikon had a hard time then getting in production again and sometimes even used Schneider Xenar lenses for their cameras.<br> <br />See also : http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Super_Ikonta_531</p> <p> </p>
  3. <p>Thanks Allan !<br> I had to go quite a long way to get it shooting again. Luckily i managed :-)</p> <p>No doubt the Yashice-E is an unique camera.<br> Very complicated on one side (auto-exposure system) but also very simple on the other (only 1 shutter speed).</p> <p>If you know how to handle it (tripod !) descent images can be made and of course it's also a real collectable being that rare.</p>
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