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Posts posted by torben.palm

  1. <p>First, very nice pictures everyone! Here's a portrait of my youngest son. Taken with a D300 and one of my favorite lenses, the Nikkor AF-D 85/1.8 at 1/250 and f5.6, ISO 200, WB Clouds and off-camera SB-800 flash mounted on a 100mm Lastolite Umbrella kit to the right and a round Lastolite reflector on the left.</p><div>00ZAX9-388345584.jpg.6c832cec4ba589c9537f94205303d061.jpg</div>
  2. <p>I really love my AFD 85 F1.8 - used on D300 it's a perfect compagnion for portraits. From f2.8 its very sharp and fron f4 it's extremely sharp. The lens have a nice out of focus blur. When you also look at the price, I think it's no-brainer.</p><div>00UmoD-181635584.JPG.754de6c685ac3fbe8726a1a57dc8ad55.JPG</div>
  3. <p>Hi,<br>

    Something gets my attention here.<br>


    <strong>Nikon D300s with built-in flash, </strong> <strong>85mm, f/5.6, 1/60s, </strong> <br /> <strong>ISO 200</strong> , <strong>VR ON, handheld</strong> <br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://dl.fisier.ro/files/74b77nijffeii4a/DSC_0708.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://dl.fisier.ro/files/74b77nijffeii4a/DSC_0708.jpg.html</a> <br /> <strong>Canon 5D, 70-200 f/4 IS USM, 580EX II flash, </strong> <strong>200mm, f/5.6, 1/200s, </strong> <br /> <strong>ISO 100, IS ON, handheld</strong> <br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://dl.fisier.ro/files/rmb43jlmg3jjgre/IMG_0436.JPG.html" target="_blank">http://dl.fisier.ro/files/rmb43jlmg3jjgre/IMG_0436.JPG.html</a><br>


    The Nikon picture looks <strong>shaken</strong> - and a bit unsharp. Normally the shutter speed needs to a minimum the same as focal length, but in this case it's <strong>½ of 128 mm</strong> . Also you have choosen ISO 200 on the Nikon, which will off cause generate more noise. Try ISO 100 and you will see a difference. A build in flash will never generate same lightning of a scene as a top-model external flash like the 580EX II.</p>


  4. <p>Weddings are perfect for beautiful portraits – and here is the D300 and the AFD 85 F1.8 a great combination. It's fully useful from F1.8 and from F2.8 the results are very sharp, with a smooth bokeh. I have newer experienced any purple fringing from wide open, or any other problems with the quality of the optics. Auto focus is also very fast on D300, which is nice in a sometime hectic environment. With a price tag below $450 from new, you should be able to pick up used, and still leave room for an extra lens.<br>

    Good hunting!</p>

  5. <p>I understand, that with Nikons more advanced cameras (e.g. D3/D700) and flashes (e.g. SB900/800), several systems work together to ensure good flash exposure. The iTTL-system fires pre-flashes and the result is measured by a separate 1005 pixel RGB sensor. The information is then evaluated by the 3D Color Matrix system, which tries to recognize the motive type by matching with a build-in motive database (containing information like brightness, contrast, chosen AF-points, colors, distance to motive, bounce setting etc.) and then tries to expose best possible. The iTTL-BL tries to balance the flash, with ambient light. These systems also support multiple flashes – either by sync cable or wireless. The iTTL-system works well in practice, but is not flawless. Then again - what is?</p>
  6. <p>Hi Ryan,<br>

    I use the exact same setup. It's true - the system is not as powerful as strobe lightning, but as long as your only shooting smaller items, it will deliver great results, at a very low prize. Remember that the softbox takes a lot of the power - this means that you need to position the lights fairly close to the subject. In some cases you also need to use i bit higher ISO e.g. 400. In some cases I also combine the lightning with my SB-800.<br>

    Look at my portfolio - all the photos in "Portraits" (except one), is taken with the Interfit lightning. <br /> On the net, you can find daylight balanced 75W bulbs - this will boost performance a lot.<br>

    Best Regards<br /> Torben</p>

    <p> </p>

  7. <p>Wow - good input, everybody. I would like to take my portrait photos outside - also in the evening and in full figure. I like the lightning that soft boxes and umbrella gives. I was also considering about buying three extra SB-800/900 flashes, and combining them with umbrella and/or soft boxes. I am not sure if that will give sufficient lightning at e.g. 3-meter distance to at full body subject. However, I like the flexibility that the CLS flash systems gives. I have seen the promotion film from ProFoto for the D1, which seems very nice. But as far as I understand, the D1 do not support battery? For budget I hope to be under USD 3.000.<br /> <br /> Guys – thank’s again.<br /> Torben<br /></p>
  8. <p>Wow – these Wednesdays just seem to keep getting better. It’s so inspiring. Susan, John and Chris, thanks for your kind words. Chris – close…but it is a very old VW beetle.<br /> <br /> Dave, I like the surreal lightning<br /> Nina, nice color tones and composition<br /> Chris, very good macro shoot<br /> Wayne, did they say anything??<br /> Susan, nice wedding shoot<br /> Robert, it is an amazingly sharp shoot – the D200 is still going strong (and I would love to have that 300mm lens ;-))<br /> Sanford, Wow<br /> Jens, deep colors! Did you use a polarizer? <br /> Hamish, one day I would like to go there…<br /> Lil, maybe I should convert my D300 if I upgraded my camera to a D3X (I wish!!!)<br /> Monika, nice…<br /> Hector, that looks scary<br /> Ton, sweet dog<br /> Fred, I like..<br /> Matthew, cool BW picture<br /> Jose, cool macro<br /> Pietro, what happened next?<br /> Freddy, I feel the heat<br /> Dieter, sweet<br /> Trevor, also a Beetle – nice<br /> Darren, very nice<br /> Rodeo, simple but nice<br /> Joseph, wow</p>
  9. <p>Today I’m using AC powered daylight balanced Fluorescent lights for portraits. But I’m looking for a cost/benefit effective battery powered portable studio flash system (maybe 2 x 500 ws?), that’s powerful enough to make full figure shots. Communication with the camera is welcome (if it exists) and I would appreciate build in wireless triggering.<br /> <br /> Which systems do you guys recommend at an advanced armature?<br /> <br /> Best regards<br /> T. Palm</p>
  10. <p>Nikon D300 with Nikkor AFS 24-70 f2:8 at 50 mm, f:4 and 1/15s handheld. Taking tonight in Copenhagen, Denmark. And by the way - very good pictures everyone. Keep up the good work :-)</p><div>00TD2j-129667684.jpg.a6bb749e0cbfdb44de596127558be26f.jpg</div>
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