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daniel flather

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Posts posted by daniel flather

  1. <p><em>—getting a 50mm f/1.2 or a 85 f1.2 II</em><br /> <em>—I like the super fast aperture </em><br /> <em>—hate to use tripods</em><br /> —<em>Do u think is a good idea to invest in one of this super fast lenses</em></p>

    <p>Interesting post, you answered your own question.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Get the 10-22 lens, I own it and it's optical and build quality is in the same class as my 50/1.4 and 85/1.8 (better than the 50/1.4). It's a great lens, I recommend the lens hood if you buy it. The 10mm end is fun, it's so —W I D E!</p><div>00WG9y-237225684.jpg.fca958a75383e797e60bfa1e105e4c82.jpg</div>
  3. <p><em>What should the settings be for Flash on the 7D? I have a 580EXII and at night outdoors if there is dust in the air I see the dust (Looks like snow) how do I get rid of that when shooting? Up my F stop? Tame down the 580EXII?</em></p>

    <p>Get the flash off the camera, this will help. Bounce the flash off a wall or bring something to use as a reflector.</p>

  4. <p>Tim, I know, I agree with the OP. In the ten years I've been trolling this site I've seen many changes. Back when it was 95% film it was great, then as the digital age came in, the site was flooded with photos of users' cat photos. The forums were flooded with the same 2 questions. Now that the masses have taken to digital the site has improved, no more noob posts about low end PS cameras. </p>

    <p>But it's still not the way it once was, and I never can be. </p>

  5. <p> </p>

    <p ><em> </em><br>

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    <p ><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=321130">Wayne Campbell</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"></a>, Apr 15, 2010; 11:26 a.m.</p>




    <p >--include me in. I can't get Canon's Photostitch to work at all with Snow Leopard.</p>


    <p > </p>

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    <p > </p>

    <p >Photostich will not run on OSX 10.6.0, I'm also waiting for Canon to get on this. I know there are other programs out there that are said to be better and free —do a Google search.</p>



  6. <p><em>Can the same be done with just the 580ex ii and the 50d body?</em></p>

    <p><br /> No, The 580 has to be on the camera in master mode, from there it can control 580ii or 430ii flash units that are in slave mode. I can't remember how may it can master and still have all the slaves in e-TTL, but I think it's three. But you can run more than that with out the use of TTL.</p>

    <p>I have one 580 and two 430s.</p>

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