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Posts posted by gregory_wilson2

  1. Yeah, no tripod for this shoot. I'm not familiar with semi-stand or stand, you're talking

    about very little agitation, yes? The PMK is a pyro two bath dev. So, the stand dev

    would give lower contrast negs? has anyone used it with delta 3200?

  2. I thought, for some reason, that neopan would be available in 120 but its not. I will still

    be shooting with 35mm for the job but will also be using a Hasselblad. I think delta

    3200 is my best bet for that camera. any thoughts?

  3. I'm photographing an event coming up, I am told it will be lit very poorly. I don't know what that

    means exactly but the event coordinater said it will be less than desirable conditions. So, he we

    go: I was planning on using Neopan 1600 due to the fact that the grain is a bit less intense than on

    delta 3200 and also the contrast is less. I'm thinking that the event will be single source lighting so

    the shadows and highlights will be drastically different, but I want to bring up the shadows as much

    as I can while keeping the high lights from over exposing. My idea is to rate the film at 800 and

    develop with a PMK developer but pulled one stop. I'm not looking for a contrasty negative, I want

    to get as much tonality as I can, but the neg also has to be printable. Any thought for me? I'd like

    to hear what you think about other developers and films as well if you have had any luck. One

    other idea is Neopan 1600 processed in HC110 Replenisher pushed 2 stops, that I have found

    brings out amazing shadow detail where I thought there would be none, but the highlights started to

    block in, I guess an easy fix would be not pushing the dev so much..


    Anyway, thanks ahead of time for your responses.




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