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Image Comments posted by industrial

    ready to laundry


    i like this shot a lot.  Normally i'd prefer a shot like this to be in b&w, but i think the colored clothespins justify the color choice.  My only critique is that the bracket shadows are too close to the edge of the picture; either crop them so they vanish into the edge, or if there's room in your image provide more space.



    i like this shot a lot.  But i think the cropping needs some work, such as getting rid of the black spot in the upper left hand corner and cutting out the white snow spot in the lower right hand corner.

    in 3s

    Very nice. i'd be interested in making the lower part of the photo much darker, though i like how you moved it out of focus.
  1. Good luck to you Vin. I'm sure these next few weeks months will be hard ones, but i hope you can take solace in your art, which i just looked at in your portfolio, and found to be so nice. You have a great eye that i hope you won't shut.

    # 213

    In general i like what you've done with this photo, but i find it awkward to have the dock vanish into the lower left hand corner. i always try to crop so that nothing terminates in any corner, as it has a tendency to unduly stress the composition.


    i think this is a nice shot. i would be interested to see it converted to b&w and curves/contrast applied, as i think you have enough contrast to make an even better picture.



    there are so many nice aspect to this piece. I like that the body creates an asymmetry in the composition, as well as the way the body positioning can be understood as a handshake between two entities (blur your eyes a bit).


    Nice shot. Two things I would want to try out on this image: one would be to increase the contrast, and take down the mid level curves so that the dog pops out of the picture more (careful not to lose the mannequin, though) and the shadows contrast themselves against the light, which has been blown out. The second thing I would do is crop the right side of the image so it isn't sitting on the edge of the awning. This is quite awkward. Move that side in just a bit.

    Vegetal moon 02

    I think the image would have been even stronger if you had stopped up to a really shallow depth of field, so that the more distant parts would have gone more to the blur zone. The upper portion of the image could be cut out. Nevertheless, a lovely shot.
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