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Posts posted by gene_woods

  1. <p>I pick up a black Ashia Pentax Sppotmatic SP II for 5.00$ with a small dent on top but it should have no afect on the image then I got a cruiser 63 old bellows folder (if anyone know were I could get a manual for this camera it would great) for free. then I got a Mamiya 80mm 2.8 for my tlrs for 15$ an last I got another Ashia Pentax Spotmatic SP for 5$ so all in all another great show I just remebered something set of Honeywell slave Strobornars 202 w barn doors and extra lenes or filllter for free and they both work</p>
  2. <p>For me it has to be a Pentax LX if not Mamiya tIr have 330 F, C220, C3 and I have 4 lens for them 65mm 105mm 135mm 180mm. Then again the Pacemaker Crown Graphic or could be the Pentax Spotmatics I have the F and SP II and last but not least Argus C3 I have 2 of these. Oh I almost forgot the Yashica A tlr </p>
  3. <p>I talked briefly with Mark Hana today bad timing cause the cable guy was here to fix bad signal. I will call him back next week He did say the mirror was no problem . Hey Brett don't know how handy I am but no tools or parts. My mirror is not broke just loose. I sould tell you guys I got this camera because some one here talked about and said it had mirror lock-up my Spotmatic f and Spotmatic II don't have it for my Spotmatics I have 28mm 55mm 135mm 200mm 300mm 400mm all Pentax except the 400mm it is Bausch & Lomb </p>


  4. <p>Thank both of you!!! I checked Mark's site I will call him when I get back home. House setting for three or four weeks. The one I,m talking about the mirror is loose (fall out loose) and the battery cover is missing. film will load as normal and the shutter will fire so it may be an easy fix we'll see. I'll let you know how it come out.</p>
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