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Posts posted by httpwww.flickr.comandr

  1. I�m experimenting with Tmax right now, because I have plenty of it.I tried HP5 at 400, 800 and 1600, all souped at 20C dilution 1+4, 35mm small tank.

    So far, I think the results are great. It is more grainy than TRIX, but have better sharpness. (I think both issues are connected). Here is and example at 800, in a flat day, where the scene was at shadows.

    The downside, is that I�m getting a little dense negatives, with blown highlights in some scenes. Probably I�m overdeveloping, and Ilford times are a bit to long to my technique. Sorry about muy spanglish. :)<div>00PsKm-50229584.jpg.872442252ca24bec2bfa8c5f735d5bfa.jpg</div>

  2. I had been working lately pushing Hp5 in TMX developer, solution 1+4 for the moment.I pushed to 800 and 1600, and even at 400. resulting in very good quality and outstanding shadow detail , far more than I expected. The downside, was, that my neg were a bit dense. probably the times ilford recomended are too long. I will try next time 10% less. I will post some examples so you can make an idea.

    Nevertheless, i love Hp5, it is a little more grainy than Trix, but more sharpness I can see, and I simple love the tonality.<div>00PsJk-50223684.jpg.ceac3d3da18e9cc49e12630c6eb94a47.jpg</div>

  3. Thanks guys. I rechecked "The Americans" and the "London" series, and found indeed a lot of images probably shooted with a 35 mm lens. You can tell by the apparent little wide opening angle in the backgrounds, especially when he shoot close to subjects. The 50mm lenses, definitely has another look. Hope it help to someone, as it help me.
  4. I agree with you Orville. My concern about the focal length at this moment, is because It�s been a while that I�m studying Franks�s photos, and the way he compose the images, the way he resolves the content and convert them to a latent image with such precision blows me away. You have to think and feel what you are trying to communicate in a very different way when you changes the focal length.

    I read some time ago from Cartier Bresson, when he said that photography didn�t matter at all to him, what he really matter is life. Then , my concept really changes and I understand deeply what he tried to means.

    Sorry about my spanish english.

  5. Thanks Frank. I calibrate the exposure and the speed to work with my equipment (35mm) , and with D76 the best results were when the film was rated at slower speeds. Like ilford 125 at 80, or Hp5 at 250.

    But, I never worked before with Tmax, and I had search a lot, but no too many people use Tmax developer. Even at the massive chart, they don?t have published the times for dilutions at 1:7 and 1:9

    I don?t know if the roll at that dilutions, is going to be more grainy or more sharpest. They only thing I know, is that Tmax is a great push developer, at least with Hp5+. I pushed a roll to 1600, and the result were great, giving a lot of speed and shadow detail.

  6. Hi.


    I will shoot for portrait my first Hp5 roll and want to develop in Tmax

    developer because I have plenty of it at my lab.

    I usually shoot Hp5 at 200 EI or 250 EI in D76 1:1 and the results are amazing

    for me. It is indeed little grainy, but not a major concern.

    So now, what dilution do you recomend me. 1:4 - 1:7 or maybe 1:9 ? and should I

    shoot at 250 or 400EI speed ?.


    Thanks a lot.

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