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Image Comments posted by bloozecruz


    What a great image. The thing I like most is how his leaning posture parallels that of the welder in the painting. A lovely little accident.


    Your best shot of the boxing series in my opinion. I'm not a big fan of the tilt you used on a lot of them but it sort of works on this one (probably because the winner looks vertical). However, I agree that the referees face would have been a nice addition.

    Tobacco shop


    I think this shot is fantastic. I expected the colour version to be even better but somehow the B+W works best. You said you would have prefered if she looked into the camera but I think the fact that she's reading is perfect. Why wouldn't she be?


    Union Square


    This is a composite picture of a lot of pics. Unfortunately, the program i

    used is a little on the cheap side so a lot of the detail was lost. What do

    you think?

    Aram 1

    Wow, the detail is amazing and the guy has an interestinf face, which always helps. the left ear has a bit of a fuzzy ring around it though which i'd try and fix as it draws a little too much attention to itself.
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