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Posts posted by jenkins

  1. <p>I know it comes down to end use, but for the bulk of wedding images I know 36mp images would just be way too much. If they were down sampled to 24mp and resized to the D610's native RAW size then that will fine wouldn't it?</p>

    <p>Ilkka that seems a better idea, it's what i have done in the past, it's just supplying the complete wedding at 36mp's seems unnecessary to me, as you say a select few would be no problem.</p>

    <p>C.P.M nobody is going to pay here, I have no problem setting up private galleries for people and sending links, if I did it as a business then I might do as you suggest, I think it would take a few disks too :)</p>

  2. <p>If you had a wedding to shoot as I may have coming up, what sized files would you supply to the client using the D800?</p>

    <p>Spoke to a Wedding photographer the other day and he was sending full sized images at 100% quality, that seems like serious overkill to me. Must take hours for the client to download say 500 images. Have you tried uploading these full sized files to your website? It's not funny!</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>I've had this situation occur today and I am not a wedding photographer, Hampton Court Palace in the UK want to use one of my images for free, website and Twitter use, no problem as they are going to give me the relevant credits and links to my site.</p>

    <p>Lauren is right, get something back it doesn't have to be money. How many people will look at his page and think great photo and see your name?</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>We can all discuss cameras till the cows come home and all be talking about very different work that we do, Shun is right the D800 is overkill for a lot of work and it would worry me slightly as a wedding camera as the file sizes would be munching their way through many cards, still buy more cards and it's not a problem.</p>

    <p>I have not had an issue with slowdown on my Mac with the D800e but I will be honest with you, I am aware when I create a stamp in Photoshop and know I am doubling file size as with this image, it becomes hefty. But I don't store thousands of images I am never going to use so it works for me.</p>

    <p> </p><div>00cFs0-544373284.jpg.b2f8d95c38f215efc2da037ef307eba2.jpg</div>

  5. <p><strong>You might have been better off getting a D7100, with it's 24mp. When you get down to it, lenses are more important than cameras.</strong></p>

    <p>The ISO performance on the D800e is astounding, so not really buying that one.</p>

  6. <p><strong>The blurb ran something like "This groundbreaking and brave work decontructs Art by embedding the work itself in the canvas, inviting us to break down our ideas of artifice; it is quite literally a painting of itself!"</strong><br>

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    It's gets you thinking though doesn't it, Isn't that the point of going to an art gallery that it's an ideas factory and gives the imagination a workout? Even if some of it's a little challenging at times.<strong><br /></strong></p>

    <p>Last time I was at the Tate I wondered whether I could replicate the mood of a painting I saw with the camera, it was nothing like it in the end but it sparked something and I nearly always leave with more than I arrived with - Plus it's free to visit :)</p>

    <p> </p><div>00cCuO-543935384.jpg.4b984105b043802c2c2e4638a04aeef1.jpg</div>

  7. <p>I saw a picture a few months back by wonderful Vivian Mayer, it just wasn't a good picture in my eyes. It was a slow shutter speed that just didn't work, well not for me anyway.</p>

    <p>The 6 trillion adorning comments on Facebook about the image did make me wonder that when you site a now very famous name to an image, people will just spew forth admiration because they think they should, it was the usual awesome, genius blah blah comments.</p>

    <p>It makes you wonder when you have a name for yourself, how much more giving people might be just because you are a "name" and that every single image they see of yours is pure genius.</p>

    <p>Just restating here before anyone jumps on me I adore Vivian Mayer, just this one didn't work on any level for me.</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>Steve I had a look at your page, you say you first picked up a camera in 2011 and then reached this conclusion about Photoshop?</p>

    <p><strong> In the short few months I have been taking pictures I think I have learned a lot and have deleted Photoshop. I want to keep the photography in my photography and am very pp-averse.</strong><br>

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    I don't understand why people have this mentality of separating Photography from the post production, it's all part of the same process. It can be done very well or very badly with many shades in between. It's a very odd conclusion to reach after only two years. I would advise you to reinstall it and take some classes, it takes a lot longer to realise the full potential of Photoshop and exploit it fully than it does to grasp camera exposure.<strong><br /></strong></p>

    <p> </p>

  9. <p>Well said Bob, also I had never heard of Francesca Woodman, very interesting work. There is a well know photographer using those very same ideas today, first thing I thought when I saw the pictures.<strong><br /></strong><br>

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    <strong>Note the skeptical expression on Annie's face. </strong><br>

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    That's not half as bad as Buggy's face with approaching Nikon, more seething hatred I think.<strong><br /></strong></p>

    <p> </p><div>00cCQb-543886984.jpg.14b0f8efc4d476b4abf6a1c8f8e3c173.jpg</div>

  10. <p>If your charger ever does pack up on you check out the Wasabi charger, comes with two batteries as well, all for the price of one Nikon charger, I haven't had any issues with mine.</p>
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